Your questions….

For the coming two weeks I’m forced to cancel my shoots and workshops due to a problem with my knee.
I got this during the filming for the KelbyTraining videos (imagine how awesome the videos will be :-)), so that means that I have less images/video to fill the blog, so I thought maybe it would be nice to do the following….

For the next two weeks I will answer one question a day from you guys, this can be a technical question or a personal question, everything goes (well …..).
So whatever you want to know about me, my work etc. ask here and every day I will answer one of the questions.

32 replies
  1. Mohammed Al-Hanabi
    Mohammed Al-Hanabi says:

    I hope you get better soon. it is good time to rest from work :).

    I would like to ask you about the setting that you use usually for the skin tons in your images. how do you do to get this skin tone in PS or using any filter?

    Another question is related to Photoshop. if i use a color calibration for the monitor (called it ABC ), i will get a new profile. this profile is different than the profile in the camera (SRGB for example). if i change the profile for the picture from SRGB to ABC i will get totally washed color how can i fix that?

    thank you for this chance to let us ask you some questions.


  2. John
    John says:

    Frank, sorry to hear about your knee, wish you to a speedy recovery!

    Would you like us to post the question here or use another method?


    • John Rios
      John Rios says:

      Thanks Frank,
      I’m new to your blog, so
      I haven’t had time to explore all the technical details you have shared.
       My question is:

      Any advice for
      photographing a black car, controlling the reflections?  For my next
      project, I like to photograph a black shining car with & without a model.
       I’m thinking of using a long lens to keep myself out of the reflection (chrome bummer & mirrors) but I get undesirable color reflection from surrounding if I’m not
      careful.  So, I thought about going out
      at night and light painting but  not sure
      on the degree of difficulty.


      When shooting with model:
      Reflection of model is okay but not crazy of sky, clouds, trees, buildings,


      Any advice would be


    • Menno Herstel
      Menno Herstel says:

      Ha John and Frank, ‘How to light a car’ (controlling the reflections) is what I like to know too! (And I don’t mean with gasoline and a lighter 😉

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I have to be honest that I don’t shoot a lot of cars like that. My best bet would be to use HUGE diffusers and place the strobes behind those and that should take away most of the hard reflections.

      I will forward this question to someone who should know, let’s hope he will help you out.

  3. Marc_vd_Berg
    Marc_vd_Berg says:

    Frank, first of all, hope you’ll get better soon.

    I have a question about small flashes. What do you think, I have 2 Nikon flashes SB600 and SB800. What is the best way to trigger them. Buy a Nikon Commander or use Skyports. With the commander I can control the flashes, if I use skyports I’ll have to set them manually. Advantage with skyports is that I can use my RangerRX and maybe use the Nikonflashes as well (just to give some accent light if needed). Also I do have multiple transmitters and receivers already, just need 2 universal receivers for the Nikonflashes. The skyports are working with a radiosignal and the commander is working with infrared.  My first tought is go for the skyports, maybe you have some arguments not to?

    Regards, Marc

  4. Thomas Nils
    Thomas Nils says:

    Frank, best wishes and get better soon!

    I have been shooting for a few years now and I believe that I have a pretty solid portfolio. I’ve showed it to several pro photographers and have received very positive feedback.
    My question is: What would you do if you were in my position and your goal was to start working professionally in advertising or fashion?Thank you!!

  5. Leo Koach
    Leo Koach says:

    Knee problems? Was Scott trying to kneecap you out from the business since you’re taking more attention than him?
    Lemme know, so I can contact my cousin Vincenzo in Italy for him to get a one way lakeside ride 😉

    Get well my friend 🙂

  6. Kevin Halliburton
    Kevin Halliburton says:

    Heal up quick Frank and thank you for carrying on with this generous offer. I would love to hear anything on your marketing and business strategies. You are consistently putting out killer work but how did you go about getting the world’s attention with it? More precisely, what are the top two or three methods, disciplines or strategies that you feel have contributed most to your success?

  7. Monico
    Monico says:

    Hi Frank, 

    Here’s my question (actually the question is at the end):

    Photographers are visual artists and their work may not always appeal to everyone while they’re growing/developing as a photographer. Sometimes a visual style isn’t understood (or just isn’t in style yet) but with persistence success is still possible. You’ve been at it for some time and I’m guessing that you’ve had a few ups and downs over the years.

    When I think about my personal style of shooting I tell myself that I’m still in the early chapters of a bigger story and that I really need to keep at it. I fully expect my style to change and evolve over time and I know I’m not done learning and doing. I also dream of someday sharing some of what I’ve learned with others (kind of like you do), but that’s still a ways off. I can’t see into my future and sometimes it’s tough to believe that it’s all going to work out when I’m between jobs. I’m a patient guy and I believe in what I’m doing. I’m also persistent and willing to put in as much time and effort as necessary, but sometimes a little doubt still creeps in…

    Where do you find the inspiration/willpower to keep at it and not give up on your dreams when things start off slow (or are going slowly) when you really believe in what you’re doing (even if others can’t see the potential yet)?

    Thanks and best of luck with your recovery.

    – Monico

  8. Jason Autry
    Jason Autry says:

    Hey Frank, really sorry to hear about your knee.  I’ve had surgery for a torn ACL, and that wasn’t much fun so I know how you feel.  Make sure you rehab correctly and take it seriously, it will make a huge difference once your knee starts to heal.  

    I have always enjoyed your images, especially the the ones that tend to have a little de-saturation, and a bit of cross processing.  I was wondering how you cross process?

  9. Katana7
    Katana7 says:

    Hi Frank

    Hope you get better soon, now for my question: I have older cameras one Canon eos 10d and a Canon eos 1n hs 35 mm filmcamera,should I upgrade the lenses for better pictures och by more new cameras? I use canon ef 50mm f1,8 and ef 22-55mm f4-5,6 usm and a sigma 28-200mm f3,5-5,6.

    What lenses du you recomend on a not to big budget?


  10. Jeroenvanmeggelen
    Jeroenvanmeggelen says:

    Hi Frank,

    Good luck with your recovery. Really great that you do this during recovery…you’re really giving back! 

    Since I follow your blog I force myself too make the picture ‘in the camera’ instead of tweaking in post-proces. Your reading on lightmeter and calibration was a great help. 

    My question: 
    What is the best way to create the right white balance in camera before you start a shoot. Gray-card, sheet of white paper, expo-disk? Is it wise/ nessecery to use different methods for let’s say ambient light only or for example portraits with speedlight in combination with ambient?

    Al the best,

  11. jthaney
    jthaney says:

    Hello Frank, I don’t have a particular question, just wanted to send my best wishes for a rapid recovery!!

  12. Blips
    Blips says:

    Hi Frank

    Go easy on the knee, it can a long time to heal if you are to quick using it again. Next to the excelent question about the skin tones I also like to know how to use gels for effect lighting. Ok I know to put them in front of the light but a lot of times the color does not pop up. I wonder what the cause is. Someone told me you have to lower the power but is that true? Is there more to it? What colors work the best?

  13. Frank Frank
    Frank Frank says:

    maybe it is time to consider getting into a  Diet, I had the same problem and loosing weight help me a lot, get well soon we all love you 

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      With all due respect but you really don’t know what you’re talking about.

      First this happened due to me squaring down way too much.

      Second my calory intake has been around 2200-2000 for years.

      Third I am very active with at least 45 minutes of zone 3-4 cardio each day, rowing, elliptical and biking.

      So I wish it was that easy.
      In the last year I went from 30 minutes cardio 3 days a week to 45-60 minutes every day (1 rest day) and lost SOME weight but not in comparison to what I do.

      So please don’t just assume its about eating wrong. I count my calories. Even
      Abroad ;). Some people are just born that way. (most not and use it as an excuse).

    • Thomas Nils
      Thomas Nils says:

      Frank, I think “Frank Frank” was just trying to be helpful. My wife is a Physical Therapist and the *first* thing she recommends to anyone with knee problems is to lose weight, if possible (I’m sure you are aware of the rampant obesity problems we have in the US). 

      We all just hope you get better soon!

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I know, and the written word is often a bit harsher than meant.

      However my knee injury had nothing to do with weight, I did a photoshoot and squatted so deep that my “behind” hit the floor, now normally if you’re smart you sit down and stand up, however I did not I pushed up without support, saw a nice shot so stopped half way up and held that position and then…. well it hurt like you know what.

      According to the doctor I saw my rescue was that I do sport a lot so I have a good muscle structure, otherwise it would have torn 100%, on the other hand I know for sure that someone like you describe NEVER could have gotten down so far 😀

      It’s just a sensitive point for me.
      I’ve been battling my whole life, count my calories to never go above 2500 (not even on a “junk” day), I do cardio for 45-50 minutes per day in zone 3-4 and still walk around with the body I have…. so when someone just mentions that maybe a diet would be a good idea I indeed respond a bit harsh because the only diet I could try more is water and bread, and stop sporting, what I do now is close to what is possible, if I would stop sporting I can take away more calories but I will loose muscles. And I’m not willing to do that…. plus I’m a little bit addicted to my workouts (gets the stress out).

      So sorry if it offended someone, it was just that the name Frank, Frank and a gmail account with just that description indeed triggered me to respond that way.

    • Frank Frank
      Frank Frank says:

      sorry it was not my intention to make you feel bad i was trying to help and sharing some info that was given to me by a doctor and it really worked. i do not know how much you weigh is and I’m afraid to ask i do not know how you would react to that question but 2200 calories for 45 minutes of exercise …i think you are just maintaining  your current  weight. please visit the site of jillian michaels
      she can really help or watch the show the biggest looser. please i just want to help,  and only people that care about you would speak there mind. and sorry if I sound rude English is not my native language I speak Spanish and I’m not good at English .
      sorry about my profile in google is just that google decided to destroy privacy of people so i keep it very basic  🙂

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Don’t worry, disadvantage of the written word.

      I’m under proper guidance, so that part is ok I guess, the problem for me is that I don’t do a “crash diet” that is wrong for me, when I do I will loose some weight the first 3 weeks and believe it or not gain the next 2 weeks and when I stop gain A LOT.

      So they made a schedule for me that I can follow for the rest of my life, it contains app 2000-2200 calories a day and app 30-40 minutes of heavy cardio each day, and for the first time in my life I’m indeed losing weight, it goes very slowly but it’s going.

      Back to my knee injury, that’s why I responded a but frustrated, that could also have happened when there was not too much weight, it was just an unlucky move from a over bent knee, could even happen to someone that is underweight.

      It’s an unfair struggle sometimes so when I read something like this (and it looked “wrong”) I respond a bit more agitated, again sorry for that I see you meant well 😀

  14. Clive Litchfield
    Clive Litchfield says:

    Hi there Frank
    First off thank you for making the time and effort to publish the blog and share your  valuable info with us, good for you.
    My question: I was attracted to this site as you are a strong advocate for using a light meter in order that you have accurate flash exposure for one, it was a bit of a surprise to read that you endorse the use of pocket wizard mini and tt5 which you must admit is not as accurate ettl being reflective as I understand it. What are your views on ettl and similar systems.
    Get well soon.

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I love shooting manual. However sometimes ettl is just perfect for the situation. It does a good job for quick setups. Nothing wrong there 😉

      Manual is more accurate without a doubt but sometimes it’s about speed and ease.

      Being a strong advocate for metering doesn’t mean one should never use auto 😉

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