Guestblog Torsten

Today a very special guestblog by Torsten.
Torsten works for the German magazine Pictures and will tell you today what an editor looks for, I think this will be very interesting for you guys….


The strange guy on the other side of the fence
You all know me in a way – at least if you’re familiar with Hollywood movies. I’m the guy with the big cigar, rolled up shirt sleeves and braces, yelling at the poor sods working for me, always running for the big story. Yes, I’m the boss, the editor in chief – in our case of a photo magazine.

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From the mainstage

During the live shoot at the Professional Imaging I shot the images you can see in this post.
The theme of the live shoot was the way that styling and movement can add to a shot and make a normally dull looking image a lot more interesting. And although there was a wall in the spot where I was supposed to be shooting I think the images turned out not too bad 🙂

One of the closer jump shots

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The many looks of a model

A good model will be like a chameleon, constantly changing her looks, clothing etc. Nadine is without a doubt a chameleon on steroids drinking red bull. During a trade show like the professional imaging it’s therefore always so much fun to work with her, although the visitors don’t see all the demos and shows it does keep me enthusiastic to keep shooting and exploring new lighting experiments on the booth. If a model is wearing the same clothing every time it can become rather boring after a few demos to be honest. So I always ask my models to change as much as possible and man does Nadine get that idea…. her some of her looks from this trade show. Do remember the shots are done in VERY limited spaces.

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That funky ringflash

During a tradeshow it’s always hard to come up with stuff that’s interesting.
Of course you can talk and talk and talk…….. and talk some more, but the real fun is of course when you shoot and people can see what light can do in combination with a little bit of creativity. You have to realize that during the Professional Imaging I have to work on a booth the size of a large bathroom, let’s say 2.75mtrs x 3 mtrs (using the passway) and in that space I need to place my lights, my laptop, the monitor for tethering, the model and myself…. a bit crowdy so to say.
However somehow some creative stuff always surfaces and this time I decided at a point it would be cool to play a bit with an Elinchrom Quadra ring flash, in some shots it’s the only light source, in some it’s been helped by an Elinchrom maxi light with grid.

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