Final Orlando post…. :(

We have just returned from Seaworld and tomorrow will be our last day in Orlando for now.
For tomorrow we have planned two models to shoot some nice images including the area of course 😀
On Wednesday we will leave for home (and the cold).
In that mood I just could not resist using the image you see above to open this blog post.

Looking back, this trip has been amazing.
We visited two friends and had loads of fun with them.
Photoshop World was without a doubt one of the highlights of this year (and I think very hard to beat) so I’m not afraid to call it that already so early in the year. I hope I can also be part of the Vegas line up, so let Scott know if you want me there…. 🙂 For me it was an incredible inspirational experience, made a lot of new friends and the audience…. ? I said it before but you guys really made me feel at home, thank you all so very much for it.

After Photoshop world we decided to just drive around for a day and ended up in Daytona beach which was nice. But as most of those trips we enjoyed the trip to and from much more, no highways or toll ways to make sure we drive through the “real” America. And as you know I LOVE those old signs. Maybe one day I will make a book with just those signs. Well ok maybe not, but weirder things have been done.

And for today it was time for Seaworld.
Seaworld has been on my list forever, it’s been mentioned in so many movies and we both love dolphins and Orcas so there actually was no way that we would skip Sea World this time (had to skip it last time). So how did the Sea world experience went for us ?

In short we loved it.
We tried to visit all the shows, and don’t ask me how but we managed that (except 1 show which was not something we wanted to see anyway, Sesamestreet). All shows were awesome but most rememberable are the Dolphin show (wow) and the end of the Orca show where the audience started chanting for the star of the show. That gave me goosebumps, and that doesn’t happen quick. But believe it or not what we REALLY loved and I think for me was the highlight of the whole day, was the mimeplayer at the sea-lion show. He was there to entertain the audience before the show started (and with the last show of the day he had a very cool role (hilarious). But the way he entertained the public before the show was one of the reasons we arrived early for the last show, just to be sure not to miss him. Trust me, when you’re in Sea World make sure you check him out (just hope it’s the same one every day, because I think this role is very personal).Now you might ask, “what did he do?” Well actually not that much, but than again very much.While people were coming in, he would concentrate on one or more persons and mimic them (but overacting with a mide margin), he would even show people to their seats but not in the theater…. no he would escort them all the way out again. But especially the fact that everyone would get a personalized treatment made it so much more funny, and yes I realize he will do most of the same stuff every day or maybe every 2 days, for us seeing it first time (and later second time) it was hilarious. So check him out.

In this post some personal shots straight out of the camera, just for fun.
We will be back in the Netherlands on the 8th and I will start the blog again on the 9-10th with some technical pieces, in the mean time I would really like to thank all the guestbloggers that kept the blog alive the last few days, you guys rock.



4 replies
  1. Erwin
    Erwin says:

    I do have a Question; How on Earth did you managed to get your xrite passport color next to the penguins?????? beautiful pictures!

  2. Andres
    Andres says:

    Great pics! Can I suggest that you share with us the lens, aperture and speed you used? Thx.

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I used the 24-105L and the 100-400L for the shots.
      Aperture etc. can be seen in the Exif (also the lens used) I never remove those.
      Sharing the settings actually is of no use, simply put every situation is different.

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