Sandy Dane Festival

Case Mayfield

A while ago I shot a serie of photos for a very nice girl starting her musical career.

Fast forward and Sandy Dane was signed by Sony had a few hits and a great album which I can really advise everyone to check out, I’ve been following her work for some time now and she is also active on twitter which makes connecting and keeping in touch easier of course. A few times she invited me for the so called Sandy Dane Festival, a festival in which she and her “friends” play for a small audience. Although I always would have loved to go it never happened because I was abroad or very busy on those dates…. but when she asked for 12 February I saw an opportunity and decided to take that and give myself a night off 😀

During this festival Sandy invited the following bands/artists :
The Hype, Case Mayfield, The Quaint and of course Sandy Dane.

Case openend the show and I must say he is not only a great guy to hang out with but oh my I loved (and read LOVED) his music, just one guy sitting there with a guitar and a LOT of humor and to be totally honest he blew me away, so make sure you check out his music you will love it.

After Case it was time for the Quaint, a bluesy, poppy rock band that hit the right notes with nice songs and good vocals, very pleasant to listen to.

After this it was time for Sandy herself, and what can I say 😀
We still love Sandy, her music is great hitting the right emotions and her voice is very good and stands out live, only problem was the sound in the room which was very bad on the vocals which were totally buried in the the rest of the band which I think was a shame because Sandy has an amazing voice.

After Sandy we had to leave so we missed the Hype which I really hated because I’d seen their soundcheck and loved it.

During the concert I switched between video and photography with the 5DMKII, in this post you will see some of the shots I took. Remember however I’m in no way a concert photographer (although I love doing it some times, and still tell myself I have to do it more often), also the light was really terrible very low which forced me to ISO 3200-5000, but hey that’s also the case in smaller venues 😀
The video I shot during the night will be uploaded later this week, I’m now working on it so to say.

Case Mayfield

Case Mayfield

Case Mayfield

Case Mayfield / Still in doubt if I like the B&W more.

The quaint

The Quaint

Sandy Dane

Sandy Dane

Sandy Dane

Sandy Dane

Sandy Dane

My thanks go out to Sandy Dane for inviting me, you Rock girl !!!

8 replies
  1. Chuck Ryan
    Chuck Ryan says:

    I enjoy shooting bands in low light conditions.It’s easy to just grab a camera and go. I know what you mean about the low lighting in the smaller venues. Not only that but there also seems to be something in the way, i.e. mic stands, etc.

    Most of my shots in the smaller, very bad lighting venues is my Nikon D700 with a 50 mm 1.4, ISO from around 2000 to 3200, sometimes a little more.

    I enjoyed your post about your experience.


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