Tag Archive for: workshop

Workshop Cannenburch with Nadine

This weekend I taught a workshop in a very special location.
I always love doing workshops on location but sometimes you get the chance to do something that is really unique and this weekend that was one of those days.


A while ago we said we wanted to start doing workshops in special locations, studio workshops are of course also very cool but shooting on locations is a whole different ballgame. A few of my friends ran with the idea and contacted Cannenburch, a museum in the Netherlands, to be honest we thought it would never be possible to shoot there, but why not try right? and much to our delight they were up for it, it was never done before like this they told us and we had to be under guidance of the museum itself, in exchange for that we were allowed to shoot wherever we wanted and we were allowed to remove the alarms, use flash and even use the sets, well….. you don’t have to say that twice of course. So we started the registration of the workshop, now my location workshops are most of the time sold out but this was a new record… within 20 minutes after putting it online we were actually booked solid.


So today I can share the first series of results from this very special workshop with Nadine as model and stylist.


The first setup was outside the museum.
In fact in these 3 shots you can see my motto, always shoot double or triple setups if you can.
The first is with natural light, the second with one strobe and the third is actually with 2 strobes. This way you can deliver different looks to the client so they will always find something they like.

Cannenburch November 8 2014 Nadine  115 - November 08 2014

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The ultimate workshop November 21-22nd Emmeloord

I’ve been teaching workshops for a few years now, most workshops run for a full day and although very intense there is always so much more to learn, so most students visit the workshops several times. The reason for this is very simple, I never try to duplicate workshops, there are so many things you can do with lighting, location, styling, the models etc. that it would be a shame to teach the same workshop material over and over…..


For the one day workshops I have several themes, for example “working on location”, “working with artificial and available light”, “Duo shoots”, “Masks”, “Smoke”, “Retouching” etc. etc. all these topics are so broad that they are already difficult to jam into one day…. so last year the idea actually grew to do a multiple day workshop, however when I do something I always want to make sure that what I deliver is solid, there is no sense in doing a workshop in 2 days or 3 days that can be taught in one day by just talking faster…..

Manon October 3 2014 2019BW

So slowly the idea for the “multiple day workshop” grew and got more shape.
After the first trials the students actually came up with the name and called it “The Ultimate workshop” and I have to say I agree and use that name for these workshops.


In 2-3 days you will get so much information it will make your head spin, we are working as a small team (group size is always limited to max 10-12 people depending on the location) to create literally a multitude of different scenarios. The ultimate workshops are the best workshops I can teach, and I dare to say, probably the best on the market if you’re into model photography.


What can you expect?
Of course we work with our very best models during these workshops, so next to learning a lot you will also get a real portfolio boost. All workshops start with an Q&A session. In this session you can actually tell me what you want to learn and I will incorporate all these questions into the workshop ahead.


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Results workshop NY part II

Today some images from the second day from the New York Ultimate workshop weekend.


Shot in the hallway.

Workshops 5thfloor NY 29-30 August 2014  (205 of 277)

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Results workshop NY part I

August 29-30-31 I taught an ultimate weekend workshop in New York at the studio from our friend Hector, 5th Floor.
An awesome location with loads of space and an amazing overview of New York.


The weekend was divided into several segments.
The first day it was mostly me explaining techniques, showing setups and letting the attendees shoot several shots per setup, during the evening we did some cool sunset and nightshots of New York, which I will share later.


The second day it was the time for the attendees to shoot, I switched between the groups to assist and help out with ideas, this day was ended with a nice BBQ on the roof.


Workflow and retouching was explained on Day 3, including a complete headshot session for each attendee.
The ultimate weekend workshops are exactly what they say, it’s the ultimate learning experience and to be honest it’s very intense for both me and the attendees but it’s so much worth it when hearing the responses and seeing the results. And with that being said…. here are some of my results.


We started out with showing the difference between natural light and strobes, explaining metering techniques and of course some information about coaching the model.

Workshops 5thfloor NY 29-30 August 2014  (6 of 277)

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