Tag Archive for: tips

Beltcraft studios workshop the fast set 4

Today the final set from the Beltcraft studios workshops.
You’ve now seen 3 sets already and today the fourth.
Normally during the workshops I always try to show 3-4 completely different sets, these sets are always different, depending on the l0cation we are in, the mood I’m in (or the model/group), the light we use etc. etc. in this case we had to be out of the studio within 20 minutes after the last set (3) and because there were no further questions (we already talked a lot) I decided to see how far I could push myself (and Nadine) and took the challenge to create a complete set in 20 minutes…. and yeah the 20 minutes was including hair and makeup……. oempf.


But Nadine is fast and 5 minutes before the end time I could shoot.
In this case we already set everything up before Nadine walked up the set so in theory everything should be fine…. and luckily it was (thanks to the meter of course :D).
By moving around Nadine I created 3 different looks (also one with a more zoomed out view) and these images.

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Beltcraft studios set 3

For the next set we used a corner of the studio that was available with an unique prop, well I never worked with something like this before.
Nadine had the perfect outfit for this….. a cross between fashion and a gymnastic Ninja 😀

Nadine Beltcraft workshop-220

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Beltcraft studios set 2

Today set 2 from the Beltcraft studios workshops in London.
Model / styling : Nadine.


For the second setup I setup a complete scene.
Starting out with one strobe, adding one to the background and eventually even adding some constant lights that were still in the studio.
Nadine Beltcraft workshop-123

In this stage you see an Elinchrom Quadra with maxi light on Nadine, two constant lights in the back and to mimic the edge light coming from the constant lights I used an Elinchrom Ranger RX speed with a reflector and grid aimed at Nadine (the constant lights themselves didn’t register on the dress). The background I also wanted to light but I was out of strobes….. (well never thought I was needing four and we had to travel light) so I used a constant light for the background also (a strip) placed very close to the background and that just gave enough light to make the background stand out a bit more around the letters.

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Subtle expressions

During the photoshoot it’s very important to have a “connection” with your model.
If you don’t the images will turn out…. well pretty “standard”.
To get more interesting images it’s often enough to play with very subtle expressions.
During the workshops I always have a lot of attention for this, and today I share some images we shot during a workshop with Lenaa, now very closely look at the expressions that Lenaa shows, in my opinion this is one of the key elements in the photoshoot, of course light is important etc. but if the model looks “standard” or “empty” well…. you end up with something that could have been much better.


Now don’t get me wrong, the expression will always be very personal, what one loves the other one hates, so find your own way, but start experimenting with the very subtle expressions and then go to the more extreme ones.

Lenaa December 28 2013 (19 of 79)-Edit

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