Tag Archive for: snoot

How to photograph awesome guitars in the studio, and an alien ukulele

Awesome products to shoot

In todays blogpost it’s time to combine two of my passions, guitars and photography.
It’s always fun to do the Digital Classroom livestreams, and although most is aimed at model photography I also sometimes like to throw in something else.

In this episode I take some pictures of 2 of my favourite guitars and an alien ukulele
I show the lighting setups, how to use smoke, how things go wrong and a lot more.

But before I link to the episode, let’s show the results.

In these images you see the Ibanez Jem guitars.
The black one is the Jem 777VBK (Rosewood fingerboard)
The white one is the Jem 7V WH (ebony fingerboard)

Having some fun with a theme

The final photo is just for fun.
When I saw this Ukulele I just had to get it, not just to experiment with but also to use in a photoshoot, because let’s be honest… it’s cool 😀

During the broadcast I promised I would make a special version of this one.
It’s a bit cheesy, but somehow I like it 😀

Curious how I shot these?

Now you might wonder how I shot these?
Well you are lucky, because here is the link to the full almost 2 hour episode.
If you have questions feel free to ask.

The competition

During the broadcast we talked about the Tourbox give away, if you missed that part….
Create a cool video of you creating your art and tag it with the tags #photographer #photography #tourbox and we will select two winners who will win a Tourbox and a free Lightroom video from me. Make sure you also tag me of course.

The BenQ discount code

For the BenQ 10% discount code email me at [email protected]

everything you always wanted to know about light shapers

I know it’s a bold claim 😀
But I think in this episode of digital classroom we are combing close, I’m discussing all my favourite light shapers and I even show you the different lighting they create.

Digital classroom is a monthly live stream on our YouTube channel (we really appreciate a subscribe and like). During the broadcast the audience can interact with us and ask questions which will be answered during the broadcast. It’s a lot of fun 😀


To control your light you need light shapers.
Do you need harsh shadows, or do you want a very soft quality of light?
Do you need to light a small area, or a very broad area?

All of these topics will be discussed, but we also talk about lightshapers that can be used in the studio vs light shapers for location work, and how you can mix them all together.

During the broadcast you get to see the shoot with our model Nadine via 3 studio cameras plus you can see the images coming in via the iPad Pro running Cascable.

If you have any questions feel free to leave them under the video, we check our channel every day for comments.

Rogue wins Hot Ones…2023

Rogue wins Hot Ones in the catogory Lighting from PPA (Professional Photographers of America)


We are proud to announce that two of our Rogue products have been selected for the Hot Ones list 2023, in the category lighting.

Read the article here

Rogue wins Hot Ones in the catogory Lighting from PPA. logo

Fiberglass umbrella kit

The umbrella is a vital piece of kit for every photographer that wants to be able to use a large/soft lightsource on location or in the studio without breaking the bank. And although umbrellas are widely used they are also often very fragile. With the Rogue Fiberglass umbrellas they tackled that problem by using fiberglass. And making the umbrellas very sturdy. But also super light. In the kit you will find a white umbrella and a black umbrella with diffuser panel.

I mostly use the white umbrella for white backgrounds.Because it will reflect the light and pass the light making it possible to use one light shaper as background light and accent on our model. Very cool.

The black umbrella with diffuser is my favourite as fill in light or a very nice soft contrast portrait light.
The umbrellas are delivered with a nice carrying bag.

The magnetic snoot

As you know I love light shapers that can be used in different ways, and the snoot does exactly that.
You can use it in 4 different settings, but when combining them with rectacular strobes you can also use them without the diffusion panel and create stunning vertical lighting patterns on your subject to really let him/her jump out.

Rogue wins Hot Ones in the catogory Lighting from PPA

The Snoot mounted on a adapter on a speedlight

The rogue snoot in action

The rogue magnetic system is absolutely awesome and together with the flashbender it gives you a total solution that fits in almost every bag

The most recent addition is the snoot. A super flexible snoot that in speedlights can be used in 8 different ways.

Today some images I shot with the snoot and as a fill in light I’m using the dome with a blue gel.

Model : Claudia

You can order all rogue products via www.rogueflash.nl and www.rogueflash.com