Tag Archive for: model

Photoshoot Yves

Although most of what I shoot is of the female gender I do love to work with male models, and when I get the chance to shoot a model and theme that really fits my needs for my portfolio I of course jump to the occasion.

When Scott Kelby asked me if I knew some good models for his Amsterdam Seminar in the “Light it, shoot it, retouch it” tour I decided to search for a male model, because to be honest good female models I have plenty but good male models is a lot more difficult, from the responses I got Yves was without a doubt my first choice, part of the deal was that he would also got a shoot with me in our studio and you can imagine that I loved doing that. As a theme we decided to make a mix between boxing and fashion. In this blog post the result from that photoshoot.

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Kimberley free work session

A few years ago I never wanted to work with an intern, I thought I would work faster without one. However the appeal of having someone that could help me out with the work that was eating away time from the creative stuff also called out to me, so finally I decided it was maybe time to start using interns.

In our studio I will invite one intern for a period of 20-30 weeks and they will be my assistant for that period, meaning they will help out with photoshoots, workshops etc. but also do the basic video editing and some more routine Photoshop work, this week we had a special intern, a one day “snuffel stage”. Because of this I decided it would be fun to invite a new model over and make a creative day in the studio were we could play a bit with styling and concepts and just have some fun. The following images are the result of that day.

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Test session Simone (new glamour model NSFW)

As you might already know I’m in the middle of test sessions for new models which will be used during our workshops. Last week it was time for Simone, and as you can probably see from the images I’m glad to be adding her to our line up of models for the workshops. So in this blog post today some of the images we did during her testsession. The testsessions are always around 2 hours and we try to shoot some simple setups and see what the model does in front of the camera with little coaching.

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Using a light source in many ways, the Elinchrom 1.90 octa.

Some light sources can be used in many different ways, I’m an Elinchrom shooter and the two light sources I love most are the Deep Octa and the 1.90 Octa. With the Deep Octa it’s very clear you can use it in many different ways due to the way it has been build/designed by Elinchrom. You can remove the front material, the center diffuser, use deflectors etc. etc. however with the 1.90 octa there is often some more confusion and a lot of people think it can only be used to mimic window light, they are wrong….

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