Tag Archive for: ibanez

What a beauty, a yellow Ibanez RG505r

Modelphotography is loads of fun

But of course as a studio we also regularly shoot products.
And in essence you can use the same techniques you use for modelphotography on your products to spice it up.
And let’s be honest a product against a white background is very boring and been done way too often to make it a challenge. In our studio for example we use a Bresser product table or for the larger products white seamless, and although those images are great for a webshop it doesn’t really capture the attention of a viewer in a way they “WANT” that product.

But when we add some nice backgrounds, maybe a prop like a chair instead of a flat surface, add some accent lighting (and when color is not 100% vital add a color gel), maybe some smoke and before you know it you have a totally different product shot.

These images I shot during a small 1:1 workshop explaining our Geekoto system.
And when I have the chance I of course pick one of my guitars to act like a prop.

The one that started it all

In this  case (for the guitar lovers) the guitar that started it all, the whole metal/shred scene. The Ibanez RG550 in Desert Yellow, 1995.
Now the fun part, this is actually not a RG550 but a RG505r, it’s still the RG550 but only manufactured for the European market and has a different neck and black headstock, the R is for the fingerboard which is Rosewood, instead of the standard maple.

Ok so now why this information?
When we shoot a product or a business I always want to know what the product is, or what the company does, and most of all, which mood fits the product/company.
People often underestimate how much difference photos can make, a company can get a totally different “vibe” by using different angles or lighting. So we have to make sure we know exactly what we shoot.

We now know this is an important guitar in history.
We also know that they were know for the extreme colors.
Also the face there is a different neck and headstock in this sample.
And of course it’s a very versatile guitar mostly used for fast playing and rock/metal.

With this information I’m deciding what to do

For the first shot I’m using a nice “royal” looking chair.
This chair was the closest I had to something “royal”, also the blue works very nicely with the yellow.
I’m shooting from a lower angle to make sure I get that HERO pose here.
The headstock has to be in the shot, because it makes it clear it’s a RG505 and not a RG550. If you don’t know this detail it could very well mean your client will decline the whole series.
Because the pick guard and the yellow is very reflective we have a problem with reflections from the strobes.
This is where you always have to remember the “angle of incidence is the angle of reflection” so make sure you shoot under a different angle from the reflection. You can literally see this in the viewfinder. Also the yellow has to be nice and saturated.

We know that color has a luminance part and when we lower the luminance the color will become more saturated.
So to make sure I don’t have any reflections and my yellow is nice and extra saturated I’m angling the guitar slightly away from the main lightsource, it’s just a very slight angle but it does take away any glare and reflections plus it just makes the yellow a bit more saturated, combined with the blue from the chair it created a very nice and popping contrast.

Mainlight is a Geekoto GT200 with our Geekoto S26 softbox with grid
For a special effect I’m using a Geekoto GT200 with a blue gel from the side.
To get the lens flare nice and smooth I’m using the K&F concept black diffusion filters

Now this looks nice but…. I’m missing that “ROCK” feeling.
So lets pump up the power on the blue strobe to get more blue and flare in the frame.

Ok, now this is a lot nicer.
As you can also see that the angle under which you shoot makes a huge difference in “projected power”

But what if you want a lot more power in your shot.

So far I’ve been shooting almost straight on, so for the final shot I’m now shooting from a lower angle and from the side creating a totally different look. The shadows have a much larger part in the final look, and the blue gel has a much nicer effect.

Now in this final image you also see the reflection on the tremolo arm much better and thanks to the diffusion filter it gets a beautiful glow. Also as mentioned before the shadows have a much larger part in the final look. But by shooting under an angle you can also see that the blue light on the chair looks much more evenly.

So when you think you get the perfect shot, always try it from at least 2 different angles, you might be surprised how often you will use the extra images.

If you have any questions feel free to post them below this post, or on social media.

And before I forget

When you want the colors to be perfect it’s always necessary to use a colorchecker.
I’ve been using the Calibrite colorchecker passport for years and can highly recommend them.
When you shoot with gels make sure you take the colorchecker passport photo without the gels.
Shoot the colorchecker as flat as possible with your mainlight in the correct exposure (remember luminance is a vital part in your colorcoordinates) and you will get a perfect base every time you shoot. After that it’s of course the creative part to change colors, but the advantage is that when you need perfect colors, it’s there, but also that all presets you create will give the correct results, because they all start from the same base settings. This is something a lot of people forget when they claim they don’t need a colorchecker or lightmeter, it really saves loads of time on location, but even more when retouching.


Same set different looks and messages

It’s very important

as a photographer to be able to get images that are fitting the client y0ur shooting for.
This can be a product, a model, musician, landscape, building etc.

One of the coolest things about photography is that besides just taking a picture we can do so much more.
I remember Peter Hurley telling me that a good headshot photographer will determine if someone walks the red carpet or ends up at at fast food chain, and in all honesty, he is right for a great part.

When we hired personal we always looked at the photos.
When our son Brian wanted to get a job I had to drag him into the studio to create a cool shot with some lens flare, low angle, arms crossed, rolled up sleeves etc.
He got the job right away.
The trick is very simple.
People get a lot of applications and some will jump out and some not, and no body wants to spend too much time for a lower position so having a photo that really jumps out and showed he was tall, ready to work. And by adding the red color I knew for sure the image would jump out.

Now this is not something I would shoot for a manager wanting to get a job in the higher management sector.

In other words

Always dive into what you shoot

For me it’s always a challenge to get images that are 100% the “soul” of a company, the “character” of a person or the “mood” my client wants for a product.
Photography for me is only a small part of an assignement, talking and of course getting people at ease is a vital part.

During the workshops I always try to experiment with different lighting setups, props etc. But I also give a lot of attention to topics that are important to get the mood your client wants. And because I love using my own guitars in workshops sometimes I thought it was a great exercise to see what you can do with the same setup, same lighting, same model etc.

Of course we have some limitations.
First off all it’s all the same setup and model. But still I think you will be able to get a different vibe with these shots.
Some are aimed at more rock, some are more metal and maybe you spot the nu metal and progressive version.
The only thing that was changed is the pose of the model, the angle under which I shoot and of course the length of the lens. A wide angle will render a scene completely different than a longer lens that will compress the scene.

In the retouching I did try to keep the looks pretty similar, with small changes (except for one).
It’s a fun exercise and something you can easily try yourself.

Here are my versions.


How to photograph awesome guitars in the studio, and an alien ukulele

Awesome products to shoot

In todays blogpost it’s time to combine two of my passions, guitars and photography.
It’s always fun to do the Digital Classroom livestreams, and although most is aimed at model photography I also sometimes like to throw in something else.

In this episode I take some pictures of 2 of my favourite guitars and an alien ukulele
I show the lighting setups, how to use smoke, how things go wrong and a lot more.

But before I link to the episode, let’s show the results.

In these images you see the Ibanez Jem guitars.
The black one is the Jem 777VBK (Rosewood fingerboard)
The white one is the Jem 7V WH (ebony fingerboard)

Having some fun with a theme

The final photo is just for fun.
When I saw this Ukulele I just had to get it, not just to experiment with but also to use in a photoshoot, because let’s be honest… it’s cool 😀

During the broadcast I promised I would make a special version of this one.
It’s a bit cheesy, but somehow I like it 😀

Curious how I shot these?

Now you might wonder how I shot these?
Well you are lucky, because here is the link to the full almost 2 hour episode.
If you have questions feel free to ask.

The competition

During the broadcast we talked about the Tourbox give away, if you missed that part….
Create a cool video of you creating your art and tag it with the tags #photographer #photography #tourbox and we will select two winners who will win a Tourbox and a free Lightroom video from me. Make sure you also tag me of course.

The BenQ discount code

For the BenQ 10% discount code email me at [email protected]