Tag Archive for: glamour

Angela composited

Once every few weeks there is a very special workshop called Advanced II.
In this workshop I actually take a giant risk every time I teach it, the topic of the workshop is compositing.
The first 2 hours the students get a theory seminar about getting better shots based on not only model photography but also on street, sports, live and privat photography, this is always a very nice and inspiring part to teach, actually it’s also part of the tour we are doing “why fake it when you can create it”.


After this seminar the model is ready but we first select backgrounds, I want to have most of the shots we use for this seminar from my own library, in other words I don’t want to use stock that much. One can of course easily buy some stock images but for me most of the fun is knowing you have build everything from your own work. I do this first to determine the position and angle of view I place the lights and shoot from. Now the challenge lies in the fact that I set my self the task to do the compositing while the model gets ready for the next outfit, and trust me that’s sometimes not that long. Overal most composites you see in these workshops are done within 30 minutes.


Today I walk you to three of them very quickly we did last Friday (the 13th) with Angela.

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Sometimes a mistake can be cool

When using a digital back (in the case a Leaf AptusII7) on a camera like the Mamiya RZ67ProII one can run into a problem when shooting to quick… in 99% of the cases this means you can throw away the images, but sometimes an interesting image comes out.

What happens is that part of two images are mixed together but also a lot of “artifacts”. Normally the back will tell the camera when you can shoot again, but with the RZ67ProII there is no “communication” between the back and camera, so officially I have to wait for the beep….. when you don’t in the heat of the moment stuff like this can happen, it happens rarely but when it does…. very very rarely something comes out that is fun enough to share, but this time I think it was interesting.

Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine PartIII

In the final part of this series some outside shots with natural light.

Shooting with the Credo60 in natural light is a really nice thing to do.
As mentioned before in the previous posts about the Credo60, the display is a huge improvement over the previous leaf digital backs but also the speed in which you can work is something I really love, even on the card there is no buffer, meaning you can just keep firing until the card is full (well I think you can, I never tried it but let’s say that if there IS a buffer you will probably NEVER ever fill it up), and with a speed of 1 second per frame there is a really nice flow to the shots. It’s quick enough to nail some shots where the wind is a vital part of the story like in this series and it’s still “slow” enough for the model to get into her “groove”.

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Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine Part I

Last Friday it was time for me to really test out the new Leaf Credo 60.
First of all let me say that the image quality is truly stunning and without any doubt a step up from the AptusII series, but most of all I’m very happy with the display and the extra speed in boot up and shooting. I also did some parts outside and it’s a delight to be able to use the screen on the back of the Credo, it’s bright, zooming goes quickly and the quality is great.

For the first part (I will divide this series up in parts) I want to give you the tip to really explore your surrounding areas. People that know me a bit better know I’m always planning some time during to day for some workouts, that can be rowing, cross trainer or biking. With the biking part I always try to also scout new locations and what is better than just drive around your area and find new interesting locations.

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