Tag Archive for: Fashion

Some images from PSW

Without any doubt PhotoshopWorld is for me one of the highlights of the year.
PhotoshopWorld is switching between the east and west coast and is held twice a year.
To say that PhotoshopWorld is just a tradeshow is a big understatement, yes there is an expo floor with a lot of booths, but most of all PhotoshopWorld is about teaching, imaging being taught by the best instructors in the world in Photoshop, Photography, Lightroom etc. you will be blown away by the choices you have. During the day there are seminars from early morning to late in the evening, and then there are the parties, midnight madness, portfolio reviews, panels and so much more…. it’s mind boggling. The main attraction of PhotoshopWorld is that the teachers are not the “demo-ers” you normally see at trade shows, imaging seeing Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Dave Black etc. at work on the Expo floor in the booths explaining their tricks, you feel what I mean ? 😀

I always tell people that my favorite times of the year are my birthday, christmas and PhotoshopWorld.
For me (and all other instructors) it’s a huge honor to be able to call myself one of the instructors at PhotoshopWorld, this time was my fourth PhotoshopWorld in a row and the second where I taught a so called Pre-con workshop.

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New images Simone

Some images shot during the workshop I from last week.
Model : Simone.

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Changing the look of your set

One of the things I always try to teach during the workshops is the power you have as a photographer when you are using strobes, you can make the most beautiful setups and control the light on location, techniques like “dragging the shutter”, “day to night”, “fill in flash” etc. are all awesome…. and convert a scene to something completely different, I always call it “painting your own reality with light”.

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New model Esmee and finding new models

I love working with models I know, as most of you do.
The workflow is known, you know what you’re gonna get, and it’s often quicker than with a model you don’t know. However one of the things that’s very important is that when someone looks at your portfolio, books a workshop, or will give you assignment you have to offer as much variety as possible. Because let’s say your “soon to be client” doesn’t like model A and your whole portfolio is filled with this model, it could very well be that you miss that assignment.

However most of all I think working with new faces is just way too much fun to be “forgotten”.
A new person in front of the camera is (at least for me) always a challenge, “let’s see what she/he can do”, “Let’s see how she/he reacts to jumping/expression etc”.

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