About technique and more.

Bw or color or……..

Color evokes emotion and emotion helps to tell your story. This is also why when you watch a movie you will notice that every scene is carefully tinted and even the music is painstakingly chosen to enhance the mood or tell the story.

So how do you do this with photography?

Let’s start with the basics.

Color is nice
Bw is cool
But don’t forget there are so many options for tinting an image and enhancing that mood. We might not have music but we do have a whole arsenal of tools in our raw convertor or editing suite.

And it can even be done quite easily in Lightroom or any other raw convertor. You can manipulate the color image but also after you made it BW you can still add coloring. Even when you use a color preset on a BW image.

And with the new colorgrading tools in Lightroom you can literally have a fun filled day experimenting 😉

So although the photo might look perfect out of the camera (which of course is our goal) I think it’s incredibly important to not forget that final step … Tinting.

I do this with almost every image you see. I do always start from the same base (light meter and color checker) to make sure every single shot gives the same result when I use a preset or filter (can’t stress enough how important that step is)

Exceptions are ofcourse images where the original color is vital. Or think about images for news outlets. But even than I think it really depends on the images. I don’t want to break open a can of worms. But I’m against Photoshopping a news image. However, if by just changing the color of contrast you get the message over more clearly……. Why not.

So keep experimenting and don’t be afraid.

For my presets visit frankdoorhof.com/presets they can be the starting point for your unique looks.

Pro raw or consumer raw

Apple proraw
Something a lot of people have been waiting for for years, being able to shoot raw natively and being able to get the most out of those “pro” cameras.

Of course first see it before having an opinion but my first impression is “what the…”

On video they blew me away. Maybe they even went too far on a smartphone. It’s literally insane (positive)

But than photowise
No jump in resolution
No raw files but appleproraw

So what is raw ?
Raw is data straight from the sensor with minimal processing so the editor can work with the sensor data and do external noise reduction, color balance, sharpening etc etc (we all know how raw works)

When you read about apple raw it’s nothing like that. Apple hammers down it’s going to be an easy way to work with raw files without the “confusion” (open up Lightroom and tell me what’s confusion about the sliders)

What they do is embed noise reduction (big no-no), hdr, color balance (excuse me thats a vital part of raw) and the neural processing….. Also editing will be done in phone and later “maybe” externally via released sdk/api

In my honest opinion we are not talking about proraw but depending on what you can adjust (still not clear) it’s more a new version of tiff or at the most consumerraw.

Why not just use a container with all the data that apple things is important so we as “real pros” can later determine if we do the noise reductions “professionally” or leave it as apple think it should be done.

Do we all remember the problems with cameras that have weird jpg artifacts and that sometimes got fixed months later or never…. That’s why we love shooting raw. No problems with weird smearing because every spot of noise should be eliminated and oversharpening the mess it creates

Again before we can really judge it we have to see it. But in all honesty Apple proraw really sounds like a souped up tiff format.

What do you think ?
And let me state that I am not an apple hater. I still use an iPad pro for pro work almost daily and owned all iphones and macbooks for years till i switched to Android and windows a few years ago. (Main reason…photography)

Learn to maximize

Shot during #photoshopworld
Theme of the pre-con was to maximize every location. It was fun to see the surprised faces when we started shooting in several locations in a boring conference room and turning out pretty cool images.

It’s not perfect. But learning to make something semi interesting in bad locations is very beneficial when you are shooting in more interesting locations. You learn to see things other people might miss

So always learn in difficult situations and easier ones will be …. Easier.

Model/styling : Nadine

Why you should use a meter

I won’t call any names
But again a totally useless and ridiculous video online on why you should not use a lightmeter.

Guys listen
Learn how to use it (it’s incredibly simple, just hold it in front of the area you want correctly lit and take the reading).

No need to take test shots and when you change locations or setups the exposure is always equal so you deliver something that is of constant quality. Which not only doesn’t make you look like an amateur but also shaves off a load of work.

In essence when I take a shot I never have to touch anything in the raw convertor unless I want to for creative purposes or to counteract filters I am using.

A few things that always comes back

1. I don’t know any model that’s 18% gray
No dummy me neither and that’s why you SHOULD use a meter because the camera meters reflective and the meter incident. So first learn how a meter works before telling people this kind of nonsense

2. It kills creativity
Oh please. Just look at my portfolio (not creative?)
It actually helps creativity because you don’t have to mess around with getting your lighting in order. And because with a meter (and colorchecker) you always have the same “perfect” base you can very quickly use the same presets and get consistent results very fast. Meaning more time for creative work.

3. It slows me down
Learn how to use the fricking thing.

4. I always over expose half a stop
Huh….. How do you know how to overexpose half a stop if you don’t meter….. That’s just the dumbest thing ever.

With a meter you get the base reading. If you want to under or overexpose you can still do that. But it’s much faster and consistant.

5. You don’t need it for digital
Lol. Ok so digital changes the whole science of light. You probably also believe that a crop sensor needs a stop extra of light because it’s smaller……

6. I use the histogram
The histogram us useless for proper exposure. It just shows you the values in your shot. If you shoot a snowman in a snowstorm everything is mostly right. When you shoot a black cat in a mine everything is mostly left. That’s about the usability of the histogram. It’s nice to see if you blew out highlights (although that’s also not true because you are judging a jpg thumbnail. Unless you shoot tethered). A histogram never gives you the correct exposure.

7. I am so experienced I can read the light
Yeah sure. And I can see the future.
Look when you use the same strobes in the same setup you can get away with it. But when I look at my work (and most) we always change setups, outputs etc. So good luck “reading” your lights. Trust me that’s just BS. I can get close due to years of experience but close is not good enough and still takes me time to correct. And I don’t want to spend time on correcting. Just get it right in a few seconds

I can go on and on
A lightmeter is a TOOL nothing more or less.
It doesn’t kill creativity. That is your own choice/problem
It’s just there to get a proper base reading so you know how to get the proper exposure thanks to the diffused value.

It’s nothing more and certainly nothing less
In my opinion every photographer that uses strobes inside or out should use a meter. If they value speed and accuracy.

If you want to look like an amateur messing around with your light and delivering images that vary in exposure and color (colorchecker) be my guest. But don’t make videos with wrong information that thousands of people watch.

Every single reason to NOT use a meter is a lack of knowledge about the meter. And that’s it.

When not to use a meter?
When you can get away with the onboard metering. So events, street and travel etc. Thanks the the evf and display we can get judge our images pretty fast. And if you don’t need the model/subject to look the same in each shot/scene using a meter can slow you down. But when you shoot one model/subject under different conditions the meter will speed up your workflow so much it leaves you plenty of time to be more creative with your final result.

Sorry for the rant but I hate it when people spread false information especially when it’s education. We can disagree on many parts but literally telling people a meter is useless is the biggest BS out there.

Any questions feel free to ask

#alphapro #sekonic #xrite #benq #photography