About technique and more.

Umbrellas are awesome…. are they ?

In todays video I’m working with our Rogue fibreglass umbrella and show you some cool things you can do with it.

You can order the umbrella kit via www.frankdoorhof.com/shop or your favourite camerastore that sells Rogue products.

Building a complete set with lensflares and flags.

I love building mood in a scene.
It can be done with color, a lens flare, styling etc. but for me there always has to be something “extra” in the shot.
In todays video I show you how we build a rather complex but awesome lighting setup during a workshop with our model Felisa. I think you’re gonna love this one.

How to shoot tethered to the iPad Pro and the workshop smoke

In this episode I take you behind the scenes during the workshop Smoke with our model Linda.

Because we also get a lot of questions about how to shoot tethered to the iPad I’ve also included a segment explaining what I use to shoot tethered but also how we get the images on the studio screens.

For the cables I’m using please visit www.iqwire.nl
Or order them straight from www.frankdoorhof.com/shop


How to get awesome expresions… its not that hard actually

We all know how hard it can be to get the perfect expression from a model. And don’t even start about laughing… terrible.
But with this little trick it might surprise you how easy it becomes to get some stunning and fitting results… just be careful your model doesn’t die from laughing….