Shooting into the light
On the topic of doing stuff differently with light I think shooting into the light source must not be forgotten. A few years ago people would do everything to prevent shadows from blocking up, now a days it’s a “cool” thing to do and you see it in fashions magazines a lot, but also creating lens flares was something that a few years ago would mean (for 90% of the shots) that your shot would be labeled as “unsellable” today it’s a hot thing and everybody loves to do it, including me. Actually I started using it a few years ago to add something different to some of my outdoor shots, seeing I was heavily influenced by the photography from the 70s and 80s it was not really a weird thing for me to do actually because you could also see it in movies and photography in that era.
However using lens flare and shooting straight into a light source on full power is actually something different (although it’s a sure thing to create the flare :-)). A lot of photographers will be a bit “afraid” to shoot straight into a strobe on full power (or at least a few stops above the main light) but I will show you that it won’t bite you.
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