My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The “why fake it when you can create it tour” this summer

I think this will make some people very happy.
The last few years I’ve been teaching workshops in smaller groups in different countries and seminars for larger groups.
Responses on both are always very positive, but because we can fit only so many people in the workshops it’s not uncommon we have to say “sorry we’re full” and let’s be honest the information shared in a workshop is of course totally different than the 1 hour seminars. After teaching at Photoshop World my mind was triggered to think up something that would fit everyone and see here the idea for the “why fake it when you can create it” tour was born.



What is it?
The idea behind this tour is to combine information from all the workshops I teach in the Netherlands into a condensed and very intense workshop/seminar day, because we don’t want to say “sorry we’re full” we will aim for larger groups and a lower price (we aim for 45-75 euros, a bit depending on locations and costs). There will be no people shooting with me so it’s a full day of information in the way you are used from me, loads and loads of information fired in rapid Frank Doorhof style.



The first draft of the program
This is the first idea of a possible program, but everything can change, in fact you have a say in this via this blog (or email).


10:00-11:00 why fake it when you can create it introduction
everything about the light-meter, color calibration, how color works and reading the light.
11:00-11:30 live shoot
Light in simplicity but still creating spectaculair shots.
11:30-11:45 retouch session 1
One of the liveshot images will be retouched.
11:45-12:00 Questions 1
12:00-12:30 break
12:30-13:30 Why fake it when you can create it on location and in the studio
Seminar about working on location and in the studio, but also about being creative and getting the shot with little to no budget.
13:30-14:00 liveshoot small flash system (Canon)
the problems and advantages of E-TTL or manual, and much more.
14:00-15:00 liveshoot with the Elinchrom systeem
Tips and tricks with the 1.90 and Deep Octa.
High contrast Photography, using accents, making a stunning portrait.
15:00-15:45 tips and tricks for photoshop
An intense and rapid fire demo with quick tips about :
Creating your own look, removing wrinkles from the background, the filters I use explained, and much more.
15:45-16:30 Questions
16:30-17:00 closing thoughts and discussion
As you can see there will be a lot of information shared, and this is only a snap from the total, it will be one rocking day.



I want to participate.
Of course you don’t want to miss this, but we are in the early stages of planning so we don’t have fixed locations yet.
At the moment we are thinking about at least one of these days in the Netherlands and the UK (London area) but as always I will go were the people are, and to get a good idea about that please mail me (or comment in this blog post) if you’re interested in participating in this learning extravaganza.
If you are part of a photography club or fora and want to join with a group let me know and we will see what we can do.

Please spread the news about this tour, the smaller workshops are easy to organize but this is a lot more difficult and for me the first time, so I will need every help I can get. Looking forward to see you guys on the road.

Also keep an eye out for the official website.


Castle workshop Belgium

Today it was time for the castle workshop in Duffel Belgium.
Later this week I will write an article about the workshop with some techniques explained, but that is better done when I’ve retouched the images. We’ve just arrived back home and I already did the selection and there are some nice images there, so I can’t wait to work on those and share them here. As usual we shot some backstage video material with the HF11 and of course the iPhone 4 (man do I love that phone), the iPhone 4 material I edited on the way back home and just finished uploading it, so here you can enjoy the video first. Next week I will write the article with technique etc. Remember these videos are just for fun and are shot and edited on a smartphone so don’t expect more than just that.

Some small news updates and links.

Today we are in Belgium doing a workshop in a beautiful castle ruin so no technical piece or photos, sorry.
I’m typing this from the bed and breakfast we are staying in and it will be online tomorrow morning.
So I decided to make today a small news update.

On Wednesday night I was interviewed for NIK radio over Skype.
In about an hour we talked about technique, metering, my vision on the photography market a bit on help portrait in the Netherlands, and much more. Make sure to check it out on

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Photoshop ? or Camera ? or both ?

This is a question that has been asked so many times that I thought it would probably be fun to have a small blog post about it.
There are many thoughts among photographers ranging from “hey man we’ll fix that in Photoshop” to “Photoshop ?, nah straight out of the camera”.
I have to be honest I’m a bit in between.

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