My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Cherelle fashion 1:1 workshop

Today it was time for a 1:1 workshop with one of the most beautiful models I know (well ok they are all beautiful bit it sounds nice, doesn’t it ?) Cherelle. The 1:1 workshops are always special because the student can make his/her own program, and for me it’s always challenging because I can often do stuff I normally don’t teach during the workshops, or do in my own work.

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Using a light source in many ways, the Elinchrom 1.90 octa.

Some light sources can be used in many different ways, I’m an Elinchrom shooter and the two light sources I love most are the Deep Octa and the 1.90 Octa. With the Deep Octa it’s very clear you can use it in many different ways due to the way it has been build/designed by Elinchrom. You can remove the front material, the center diffuser, use deflectors etc. etc. however with the 1.90 octa there is often some more confusion and a lot of people think it can only be used to mimic window light, they are wrong….

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Testsession with Gigi

Today not a big blogpost just some of my favorite shots I took during a test session with Gigi.

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Today not a big blogpost just some of my favorite shots I took during a test session  Read more