My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Creativity and much more …. Part IV

Models with input are the best.
They will push you into directions that you maybe never thought about, same goes for MUA’s, Stylists etc. of course. But also listen to your friends, interns, assistants etc. ideas can be everywhere if you are open for it.

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Grid for Maxilight from Laserlight grids/Honeygrids

I love the maxilight from Elinchrom, I’ve already mentioned this a few times.
It’s a modifier that gives you a lot of extra light from a Quadra and any other strobe you put it on, but as an added bonus the light quality is also very nice. For  a while I was looking for a good grid for the Maxilight and could not find one, so I decided to buy a standard Mola grid and use duck tape to fit it to the maxilight….. well it worked (and I loved the results) but let’s be honest, it’s not the way to work.

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Workshop results with Stephanie

In this blog post some of the results from a workshop I did with Stephanie.
She is always a fun model to work with and brings some nice input to the shoots.
In my opinion this is very important for a model and this week I will dedicate a blog post to this.
But for now enjoy the images 😀

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Creativity and much more ….. Part III

Props to shoot with can take up space, so how do we add stuff that is less “space consuming” but still can be used ?
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