My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Dance images

I love to shoot dancers, and when Brenda asked me if I wanted to do some free work with her I said yes of course. I’ve known Brenda for some years now and she is someone I love to shoot and she is a good dancer also so for me the perfect combination. In this blog post some of my favorite images from the session.

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CD presentation Wibi Soerjadi

Yesterday I was invited to the CD presentation for the new CD from Dutch master pianist Wibi Soerjadi, I’ve know Wibi for some years now and have been doing his photography for a few years, in fact during interviews I often refer to the first session I did with him because I feel that changed my career into a roller coaster ride (and that never stopped). I’ve done many covers for him and the images we shot are used for almost all his publications, advertisements etc. but this one was special.

the CD's

Wibi has been fighting a terrible hearing loss problem and there was a chance he would never recover again, but luckily for him after a 2 year break he is back with probably his best CD ever, but not only this was nice, he also celebrated his 30th anniversary in the music industry, yes he started when he was 11 years old and already than was brilliant. Because I’m not a press photographer I just shot some backstage images and wanted to share those with you today.

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A new composite

Last Saturday during the Advanced II workshop I test-drove the new approach for this workshop.
In the past the Advanced II workshop was a theme workshop where a MUA and the model worked out a theme and the students were part of the creative process of the photo shoot, however over time more and more themes have been also introduced into the normal workshop to a point that even in the workshop studio technique 1-2 models are often working out more extreme stylings and themes on their own. So I wanted the Advanced II workshop to be special again….


There are a lot of questions about compositing, also thanks to the amazing book my buddy Matt Kloskowski wrote about it so I decided to test drive a new Workshop Advanced II. Not a normal photo shoot but a compositing shoot including all the work that you can do in Photoshop to make a quick but nice composite. The workshop was a success and I think the students will have a lot of time in front of Photoshop coming  :mrgreen:


Today I show you my quick composite.
Please do remember that this is shot and edited during the workshop, so it’s not a high-end composite image, but somehow I love it.


New workshops

I hate standing still, and I love teaching workshops, and as 1+1=2 this means that my workshops always change  😎


Over the last few months I have had a lot of questions from students about two topics :
1. Compositing
2. Filming with a DSLR


I do both on a regular basis but somehow I never post my compositing work, well with a motto that is “why fake it, when you can create it?” that’s obvious. However I also strongly believe that as a Photographer in many situations you better know how compositing works and much to my surprise a lot of Photographers don’t have a clue how to do it very quickly with the new tools in Photoshop, but most of all make it all “work”.

Advanced II workshop = Compositing and more
The theory part is still about making a normal image look better, or in other words how to transform a would be snap shot into something that can be considered a good photograph. In the theory part it starts out with street and sport photography but quickly builds to the parts you really need to make a model shoot rock, from lens choice, expression, adding elements, styling and understanding your light and gear.
After this the workshop changes to the practice part, and that has changed 100%, there is a MUA available and she is working on a theme with our model during the theory. When we’re done we will setup several compositing options and shoot the scene, but it doesn’t stop there… after this I will show a quick composite in Photoshop and also explain how to repeat this yourself.


There is also a new workshop which will start in 2012.
In this intense workshop (aimed at the starting filmer) we will shoot several setups with a model in motion, all students will film their material from different angles and options. There will be a lot of tips and tricks of course during the shoot about : angles, gear to help focus, flycam use etc. etc.


After the filming we will immediately start the editing process with Adobe Premiere.
In this part the following options will be explained:
Working with Chroma key, Multicam editing, Syncing audio with PluralEyes, using Red Giant looks to create an unique look and edit it and much much more.


I can’t wait to start the new workshop but we still need some preparation model wise, so I will not be doing it before January 2012. The new Advanced II workshop I tested this weekend and was a huge success, so that will be implemented immediately.


You can find all the information on :