Dutch Help Portrait
We have been busy behind the screens with the Dutch version of Help – Portrait.
You can find more information on http://www.help-portret.nl
If you are based in the Netherlands or can help us with more media attention to make this a huge success please let me know and I will guide you to the right region or for national media I will make sure the contacts will be used. Help Portrait in the Netherlands is already very well organized but we now need to get the public aware of the project. I took up the proud task to arrange everything for the Netherlands after some talks with the original initiator Jeremy Cowart in the US during my teaching at PSW. At the moment we have several regions up and running and my own region is also almost done. However now it’s important to reach the media and that’s difficult, especially the nation wide media, so if you can help out in ANY way, or
if you have connections please let me know and make Help Portret NL a huge success.
The video has been edited and translated to Dutch by my good friend Gert Kracht, MANY MANY thanks guy.
Please share this video with everyone you know, put it on your website, try to get it on TV, whatever small thing or big thing you can do.
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