My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Slight movement in fashion

Last week I already gave you some nice pointers to make shots more interesting by adding just a little bit of motion, here are some samples from a workshop in which we played with this theme as one of the setups. Although Cherelle is a great model and even without motion more than interesting, adding just a little bit of a jump makes it all a bit more lively 🙂


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Grab someone…..

I love to play, not only with light but most of all with expressions and looks.
Of course models are fun to shoot, but also sometimes try to just grab someone you know and drag them in front of your camera, however the trick is to let them do something “special” “weird” or “funny”…. the results can be great and even portfolio material.

Many thanks to my students who had the guts to stand in front of my camera 🙂
Thanks guys.

Images from the glamour workshop

In this blog post some of my favorite images from the glamour workshop we did Saturday with Lisanne.
During the glamour workshop I always discuss three topics which are in my opinion important in glamour photography, these topics vary per workshop to make it interesting for me and the students that follow several of the same workshops.

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Light that is …. different

We all want to improve our skills, we all want to be different in our work and be recognized as having an own look. However somehow most photographers are “stuck” in what they saw, what they learned or what they found out by accident and keep using that over and over again. And some photographers use a setup that is the same every day, simply because it works.

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