My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Merry christmas

We from studioFD would wish you all a very merry christmas.

Merry Christmas to all off you, it’s been an exciting year for me (us) and via this way I would like to thank everyone of their kind mails, help when I had a question myself and of course for following my work, it’s a wonderful feeling that so many people are finding joy in what I write and do. So from the bottom of my heart thanks.

We from studio fd wish you all a merry Christmas, and a smashing 2012 for you and all your loved ones.

Frank Doorhof
Annewiek Doorhof
Brian Doorhof
Wendy Appelman
Evita Hinneman

Images Marie

First of all we wish you all a very nice Christmas for the coming days, and would like to leave you with a post with some images I shot during last weeks workshop with Marie. Most were shot with the new Schneider T&S lens for the Phase/Mamiya system.


For the outside shots I used the following gear :
Elinchrom Ranger RX 1100 Watt/Second Kit with “A” Head
Elinchrom Skyport SPEED Transmitter (to control the output of the ranger)
Elinchrom Maxilite Reflector -16″, I highly recommend the maxi light for the simple reason it’s without a doubt one of the best modifiers for using outside, the light quality is very nice and crispy, but most of all it will give you app. 2 stops more output so your batteries run longer and recycling is much faster. If you’re shooting outside a lot this is a must buy.

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Release party new DVD

Making an instructional DVD is always a long process, first we have to think about the material, than the way to present, some things that need to be on it, somethings that can be on it and so forth. In this case this process was a bit easier.

I’ve already released 8 instructional DVDs and for the 9th I wanted something completely different,  so when the workshops in Boston were booked we decided it would be great to film these live while I was working with the group, including the Q&A we always do before the workshops abroad. The locations were superb and the group was also great so this was a great opportunity. And indeed everything worked out as planned. However because I’m not a slow talker and a lot of my students are of course from the Netherlands we decided it was necessary to add Dutch subtitles, well this was a LOT more work than we anticipated, so although we planned for a release 5 weeks after we returned from Boston it now ended up being a just before christmas release, but we managed it 🙂

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First workshop compositing

A while ago I got some questions about compositing.
At first I thought that this would not be something for me to teach, you know my motto “why fake it when you can create it”, however soon I realized that in some instances compositing would be the only option, and the more I experimented with it the more I fell in love with it, I do have to add that I did not do a lot of compositing yet for commercial work and things I post online but the options seem to be limitless and I’ve already got some nice ideas.

During Photoshop World I made sure to watch Joel Grimes doing his compositing work and of course chatted a lot with Matt Kloskowski during his visit to Professional Imaging last year (his books rocks by the way on the subject and I highly recommend you to buy that one). So the idea grew in my head to do something with this during a workshop, and a few weeks ago due to a weird combination of circumstances I got my change, original planned as a workshop Advanced II that workshop grew out to a compositing workshop and the students loved it. So we changed the title of workshop advanced II to Advanced II compositing and the theme for that workshop is now working with compositing.

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