My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Rogue flashbenders advert in DPP

For years I’ve been reading and enjoying Digital Photo Pro magazine, they have some of the best interviews and photographers in the magazine and also a lot of new talent that I just love, so for me it’s an honor that in the November issue of DPP you can find an advert for the great Rogue products with one of my images and a small interview.

Tomorrow part II of the Elinchrom 1.50 Octa review by the way 😀

Elinchrom 1.50 indirect Octa

In a country far far away…. (well actually it was Germany) I first saw a proto type of the Elinchrom 1.50mtr indirect Octa. From that first contact I fell in love with it. Some modifiers you see and you immediately become enthusiastic, the light had to be awesome. I love the 1.90mtr indirect Octa and my most used soft box must be the Deep octa which I advise to every photographer. However with the 1.90mtr you are getting a beautiful soft light but it misses some “bite”, the Deep Octa gives you that “bite” but it’s just a bit too small for some applications. When shooting full bodies I always remove the translucent material from the 1.90mtr to give it a bit more “edge” but it’s still a huge soft box with beautiful light but sometimes you just want something more…..

The moment I saw the 1.50mtr indirect octa I knew it….. this thing will rock.

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Dance images

I love to shoot dancers, and when Brenda asked me if I wanted to do some free work with her I said yes of course. I’ve known Brenda for some years now and she is someone I love to shoot and she is a good dancer also so for me the perfect combination. In this blog post some of my favorite images from the session.

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CD presentation Wibi Soerjadi

Yesterday I was invited to the CD presentation for the new CD from Dutch master pianist Wibi Soerjadi, I’ve know Wibi for some years now and have been doing his photography for a few years, in fact during interviews I often refer to the first session I did with him because I feel that changed my career into a roller coaster ride (and that never stopped). I’ve done many covers for him and the images we shot are used for almost all his publications, advertisements etc. but this one was special.

the CD's

Wibi has been fighting a terrible hearing loss problem and there was a chance he would never recover again, but luckily for him after a 2 year break he is back with probably his best CD ever, but not only this was nice, he also celebrated his 30th anniversary in the music industry, yes he started when he was 11 years old and already than was brilliant. Because I’m not a press photographer I just shot some backstage images and wanted to share those with you today.

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