My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


Yesterday I talked about the guestbook and I mentioned we are putting polaroids into the book, well today I will give you a second tip in the form of a mini review of the new Polaroid Z340 Instant Digital Camera

Polaroid Z340 Instant Digital Camera

The Z340 is a new Polaroid camera with a twist.
The moment I saw the news of it’s release I wanted to own one, and of course not for the great image quality, well ok it has a 14 MP sensor, and it’s ISO goes to a reasonable height and it shoots video. But you buy the Polaroid for something else. Well at least when you love the old form of the Polaroids and I do. It’s just fun to hold a camera with a build in strobe, aim it at your subject, press a shutter and hold the image in your hands in less than a minute.

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Guestbook for your business

I talk a lot about technique, share images and videos etc. on this blog but sometimes I also want to give a slightly different tip, a tip that can make your business as a photographer grow. Sometimes these are the tips that are kept secret or that people are not willing to share because they think that someone else will steal some of their market. Well in reality it’s of course all about YOU, and not about the things that you add to the “experience”, in the real end people have to like YOU for who YOU are, and believe it or not in second place is often the quality, although I won’t say that quality is not important of course, it is, but reality is that you can be the best photographer (or any other profession) and a real jury and nobody will hire you and if your competitor is slightly less gifted but a general great guy he/she will land the job. I’m sorry but that’s reality.

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Winner NIK competition

For the last 2 months we have been running a NIK competition on Google+ and today I’m proud to announce the winning image.
It’s always incredibly difficult to do a judging when there is so much good material and this time there was a load of great content, because there were some stunning images it was extra difficult to not go just for the perfect lighting or model shot.

I asked the photographers to send in different images, meaning from most we got 2-3 images this way it was also possible to see the quality of their work in their submissions (not just a lucky shot), and where I also looked for was something that was not “easy” to do. For me that meant that almost all studio/posed etc. work would be very difficult to win, I wanted something that struck me in my core as a human being and photographer.

When I saw the images I got from Aldwin Cusi this happened and I asked him to do a guestblog on my blog about his work. Everything just clicked with his images and seeing the responses from the readers of this blog and the visitors to the online album I was not the only one that liked it. In the end I went for this image.

Congratulations Aldwin.

NIK seminar tonight

Tonight I will teach my third free online webinar for NIK. You can still register here
I will be discussing several techniques for model photography, but also street photography and some sports, of course there will also be some HDR in there. I will be using several NIK filters, but will also show some tricks where you only need Photoshop. It’s free so you really can’t miss this one 🙂

If you can’t register please change the country to UK and go to training, then you will find the webinar.