My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

A few Alien Skin 4 samples

I love the more vintage looks as you might already know 😀
One of the filters I use is of course NIK but if I want to go real vintage I will always use Alien Skin, and they just released their awesome Exposure 4 suite. This suite includes both B&W and Color presets and you can tweak them to your hearts content and store them as personal settings. In fact almost all of my images you see have some very slight form of Alien Skin Exposure 4 on them, often invisible but it just makes the shot a bit more interesting and appealing for me.
Visit the guys from Alien Skin at and check out their software.
If you order from the Alien Skin store online use the code FDH1102 for a cool 10% discount.
in this blog post some recent shots I did with the Alien Skin Exposure 4 presets on the more “overdrive” setting.

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Ambassador for model complaints site

A few weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine who is running a Dutch modeling site called and he told me about a new project they would be starting, the moment I heard about it I was more than interested in helping out. As many of you may know I’m shooting a lot with models, experienced models but also models just starting out. I’m very aware of the way that some people are perceiving the fashion photography industry and it’s a shame to say that indeed some of these “horror” stories are true. Although most photographers are into model photography to make beautiful work or just have fun without any form of bad intentions there are also some people out there that are in it for the wrong reasons. The problem is that those people are in fact ruining the market, but most of all ruining models emotionally and sometimes physically.


Next week a new website will go online in the Netherlands called
 And I’m proud to say that they asked me to be their ambassador, and I did not need to think about that one of course, this is an issue that I hold very very dearly and am more than willing to connect my name to. The website will be filled with tips and hints for models how to prevent anything from happening, but also how to act when something has happened. It’s also good to know that the organization will be cooperating with the Dutch justice department. Read more

New images Christianne

Today some images from the workshop we did last week with Christianne.

One of the things I find very important during a session is the way you think ahead. So often you see images that have everything, great light, good model, nice location etc. but they miss one thing and that’s the way it fits together. With some careful planning you can make a mediocre shot a lot better by changing just a few slight things. Take for example the following shots, it’s nothing special lighting wise, but the combination of clothing and the background makes the image work for me.

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New images Gwen

And the final new model for this series is Gwen.
Gwendolyne will also be doing both the fashion and glamour workshops.
Again some images might be considered not safe for work, although (again) I think they are 🙂

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