My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Fuji X pro 1

I could never have expected what an impact it had when I bought my Fuji X10 camera a while ago at B&H in New York. I love the camera, and still love it. Actually my wife Annewiek is also using it and for her it’s a different camera than for me, she just love to put it on full auto and blast away, for me I love to play with all the settings and use it like a “real” camera. The first thing you notice with a camera like the X10 is the fact that people respond totally different than when I point a 5DMKIII to them so it makes shooting nice “candid” / “street photography” style photography a lot easier.


One could say “Fuji put the fun back into photography”
But I think that’s maybe a bit too much…. but in 100% honesty in some situations it’s simply the fact, where I felt uncomfortable with my DSLR or even was send away I now click away with my Fuji and still get a great quality…. but the quality of the X10 is great but it’s no DSLR, so this is where Fuji has another solution the X pro 1.

Today a quick look at this camera.
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Natural light sometimes rocks

In our quest for creating the perfect shot we sometimes forget to just start at zero.
I see a lot of photographers complaining that because they don’t have expensive strobes that they never can compete with the images you see online….. and although I have to be honest that owing those strobes can sometimes makes live a lot easier it’s also a mindset. In other words if you go out to shoot natural light shots you will come home with natural light shots, if you go out to shoot strobe shots but you don’t own strobes you will come home with….. zip, nadda, niets, troep, jammer dan (yeah those last three are Dutch, actually they are all).

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Little street style at Urk

During the recovery of my knee I also try to go out some times to “stretch my legs” sitting at home and walking a bit there is boring as you can imagine. So where do you go when you have to walk… exactly to Urk. A small town near to Emmeloord where I always love to test new gear, in this case I brought the 120-300 f2.8 Sigma with me and got some nice images, I have to add that I love street style photography and am still practicing in that area so maybe one day…….

Recovery of my knee is 100% on schedule, I can walk around without pain at the moment, but not too long before it feels a bit stiff, but that again is normal, so I have high hopes I’m lucky and everything heals up by itself. Next week I will start small exercises on the elliptical trainer again (REALLY miss that, rowing will probably have to wait a few weeks) and my normal schedule will start up again, although a bit slower than normal, don’t want to start too quick.

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Somethings about DSLR video

Recently I got an email asking me what I would do if I would give tips for DSLR filming.
Although I don’t see myself as an expert on the topic I decided to give you some of the tips I also tell during my workshop DSLR filming for beginners. They are just the basic things but hopefully they can help you out.


Please do remember that most of the videos you find on my YouTube account are put together in a rush, so most of the tips I give here are in the projects I do for clients and the videoclips we shoot, but often not in the behind the scene videos, those are just for fun and in 99% of the cases edited by our interns.

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