My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sekonic module for Elinchrom and more

Today a very special video.
First of all it’s the topic of the video.
For years I’ve been using a light meter and to trigger the strobes I’m using a second sky port (or Pocketwizard) to trigger the strobes and meter the light, however this is of course not perfect. Sekonic already has modules for pocket wizard, but somehow there were no Elinchrom compatible versions so I always carried the second sky port with me…


Until a few weeks ago someone got me an interesting piece of gear.
It’s a module that you place in the Sekonic light meter and you can not only trigger the strobes…. but you can do more, for that you have to watch the video.


The video is also special because it’s the first video in the “The DOORhof is always open” series.
This is a new videopodcast we are working on and will see regular releases, most videos will be short news, tips/tricks items but once every 4-6 weeks I hope to release a longer videopodcast with a guest and some interesting topics. Because this is the first video I ask you to be gentle, we will learn along the way :-). I want to give my deepest thanks to Aletta Armee for designing the intro and bumpers, you rock.


For more information about the DIY module read on:

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Carmen rocks the X100

Probably by now you already know I’ve been playing around a lot with the Fuji camera line up. In my own possession are the X10 (which I love as a Point and Shoot camera) and the X pro 1, which in my opinion is one of the best walk around cameras for street photography, it’s not too small to give you the “creepy guy” factor and it’s just “stealth” enough to shoot in places a full size DSLR would be send away, and the quality is…. amazing.


The X100 I played with during the last “Scott Kelby Photowalk” which I hosted in Kampen, actually that’s were I fell in love with the looks and feels of the camera, however the fixed lens did stop me from buying the X100 at that point. At the moment I have the whole line up in front of me for testing purposes and I decided during the workshop with Carmen that it would probably also be fun to shoot some images with the X100… today some of these images.

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New images Gwendolyn

Today some new images I shot during a workshop last week with Gwendolyn.

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Lightroom workflow tip

As a new Lightroom user (well this is actually not true, I’ve been using a lot in the early stages when I was still half on PC and half on Mac) it could be fun for you (the readers) to see some of the things I discover a long the way and share them as tips. Some tips might be already known, some might help you a bit with speeding up your workflow.

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