My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine Part II

Today the second series of images shot with the Leaf Credo60 and model/stylist (allround cool person) Nadine.

Today the set we shot in the studio.
One of the things a lot of my students and people online ask me when they first get to know my work is “What kind of Photoshop do you use”, sometimes people are stunned when I tell them that I actually don’t use Photoshop that much, almost everything you see in my images is “real” or not Photoshoped. For some this is hard to believe, for others it’s something that drives them to more understanding from light, so let’s take a look at what I did in these images.

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Fashion with the Credo60 and Nadine Part I

Last Friday it was time for me to really test out the new Leaf Credo 60.
First of all let me say that the image quality is truly stunning and without any doubt a step up from the AptusII series, but most of all I’m very happy with the display and the extra speed in boot up and shooting. I also did some parts outside and it’s a delight to be able to use the screen on the back of the Credo, it’s bright, zooming goes quickly and the quality is great.

For the first part (I will divide this series up in parts) I want to give you the tip to really explore your surrounding areas. People that know me a bit better know I’m always planning some time during to day for some workouts, that can be rowing, cross trainer or biking. With the biking part I always try to also scout new locations and what is better than just drive around your area and find new interesting locations.

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7 July a special date

7-7-97 was a special day.
At 9:07 Annewiek and I were married by law.
At 19:07 Annewiek and I were married for the church.
The second was not planned at that time but we had to travel from Marknesse to Emmeloord and decided to do that with a horse and carriage. (Something I really wanted to do at my wedding), and don’t ask but we got some delay 🙂


So it’s been 15 years now that Annewiek and I have been married. We have a beautiful son Brian (now 13) and we’re still going strong. Annewiek is always with me during the travels abroad (we tried once without each other but that didn’t go so well to say the least), also with the workshops on location she is there to assist me. She did most of the video work in the last instructional DVDs and of course she is always there to arrange things when I’m to busy.


Some marriages are between husband and wife, some marriages are between soul mates… I think we fall under the latter.
Up to another 15 years (and more).



I always update my blog at 7:00AM so that’s also a coincidence, however for today I changed it to 7:07AM.

BTS video Poldermodel2012

During the modeling competition Poldermodel 2012 our staff also filmed some BTS video.
Circumstances were less than ideal so please take it as it is, just a fun backstage video.