My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


A few weeks ago I got an email from a local blogger running the fashionblog in short she asked me if I was interested in working together with her for her blog. Well as you all know I love shooting fashion so I thought “why not”.


Today a short teaser for a blog she is doing on her blog today. In the future we will be featuring some of her blogposts to make this blog a bit more versatile with some fashion tips.

Today on Cristel shows you an accessory trend. At this moment the so called “arm parties” are very popular. Just go crazy with your jewellery. Chain bracelets, friendship bracelets, big watches, gold silver, studds… You can’t go wrong with it. But, make sure you keep everything in the same atmosphere. It is also really important that your jewellery fits the clothes you are wearing. Check out her blog for more inspiration.

The DOORhof is always open EP2

Today sees the official release of the second episode of our videopodcast “The DOORhof is always open”, this time the topic is modelphotography.
Feel free (and please do) to share the link to anyone you know, and if you want to participate please let me know.

A very special workshop….

Today some extra attention to the awesome weekend that is coming up.


On August 25 I wil be teaching a very special workshop in English, now normally the group workshops in the Netherlands are always in Dutch, making it harder for our foreign students to follow (although the 1:1 workshops are always a good option of course, or you can book a group for a nice discount price in English), anyway… on August 25 I will be teaching a special workshop in English and the reason is the following…..


On August 26th and 27th Mr. Glyn Dewis from the UK will be visiting our studio to teach two full day workshops !!!!
Glyn does some amazing retouching in Photoshop and has a great way of teaching, I saw Glyn live a few times, including PhotoShopWorld and immediately knew that we had to get Glyn to the Netherlands to teach in our studio. He will be doing a lot of different techniques and also show you some shooting techniques he uses.

For more information about this special workshop weekend surf to 


I’m very excited about this so make sure you don’t miss this very special full blast workshop weeekend.
We only have a few seats left so be quick, we also have some special hotel deals as mentioned on the page for the workshops.

Some new polaroids

As promised I would post some new polaroids every week.
I’ve been shooting some instant film over the last few weeks and must say that it’s 100% addictive.
At the moment I’m using the Mamiya RZ67ProII with a Polaroid back for the Impossible Blue film and also recently bought a Polaroid SX70 online for the PX film from Impossible. I can really say that if you love photography it’s without any doubt a refreshing way of photography. We all loved Polaroid in the past but somehow with digital we lost the feel for it, we now have the digital polaroid on the back of the camera right?

However shooting the impossible film is so much fun that I can (again) advise everyone to just test it out, the costs to start using it are next to nothing, you can buy cameras online for less than 20 bucks and a good SX70 for around 100-150 and the film is sold by the Impossible project worldwide so no worries about that. The thing I love about it, is that every shot is different, the outcome is always a little bit of  a guess, it’s like a great person once said “you never know what you’re gonna get” 😀

So without wasting more time/space, some more polaroids from last week from Chantal, Esther and Gwendolyne.

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