My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Photokina day 1

Hi Guys,
Just a quick update from Photokina.
It’s a HUGE exhibition again, actually almost too big, we just walked around a few hours and had more meetings than expected so I could not see everything I wanted, but some things really caught my attention, so let’s give a bit of attention to them,


First off, NO NIK !!!!
Oh my, now I’m REALLY worried, could it be that because Google bought it for snapseed they are indeed killing of the plugins we all love so much….? I hope not, I would be devastated, but  it does feel weird that NIK is not at Photokina.

Second Fuji.
They just released the XF1 a lovely small camera with all the right looks (I fell in love with it right away), it’s like a smaller brother of the X10, anyway I love the vintage looks. But they also released something else that got my heart beating twice as fast, the X-E1, and I will be testing one very soon. This camera is AWESOME, it’s like the X-pro1 but a little bit different, better EVF (but no optical), great great ISO performance, even double exposure (great how Fuji incorporates film stuff into digital), and I LOVE the look, the little bit of metal on top (like the X100) is something that stole my heart as soon as I saw the X100, and don’t get me wrong, I love my X-pro1 but it’s totally black and to get into the system it’s not the cheapest camera, the X-E1 promises to solve all this with a considerably lower price point and the same gorgeous quality, anyway… can’t wait to test-drive that camera.

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Some images from PSW

Without any doubt PhotoshopWorld is for me one of the highlights of the year.
PhotoshopWorld is switching between the east and west coast and is held twice a year.
To say that PhotoshopWorld is just a tradeshow is a big understatement, yes there is an expo floor with a lot of booths, but most of all PhotoshopWorld is about teaching, imaging being taught by the best instructors in the world in Photoshop, Photography, Lightroom etc. you will be blown away by the choices you have. During the day there are seminars from early morning to late in the evening, and then there are the parties, midnight madness, portfolio reviews, panels and so much more…. it’s mind boggling. The main attraction of PhotoshopWorld is that the teachers are not the “demo-ers” you normally see at trade shows, imaging seeing Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Dave Black etc. at work on the Expo floor in the booths explaining their tricks, you feel what I mean ? 😀

I always tell people that my favorite times of the year are my birthday, christmas and PhotoshopWorld.
For me (and all other instructors) it’s a huge honor to be able to call myself one of the instructors at PhotoshopWorld, this time was my fourth PhotoshopWorld in a row and the second where I taught a so called Pre-con workshop.

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The DOORhof is always open EP3

With a lot of pride I can show you the new long episode of our videopodcast “The DOORhof is always open”.
In this episode you can see a lot of tips and tricks I got from my friends and fellow instructors at Photoshop World Las Vegas 2012, in fact we had so much material it could not fit in one episode so we decided to make 2 episodes, both run well over 45 minutes so you’re in for a great ride,  If all went well you can also download it today from iTunes. Please feel free to leave some comments on YouTube or iTunes, we need some more promotion for the videopodcast of course 🙂


Today the first episode.
Expect interviews with great photographers/instructors like Scott Kelby, Lindsay Adler, Alan Hess, Brad Moore, Jay Maisel, Jim Divitale, Cliff Mautner, Dave Cross, Moose Peterson, Dave Black, Richard Harrington, Pete Collins, Matt Kloskowski, RC (spread out over both episodes).

I have to say that I’m very grateful to the following companies who made these episodes possible :
Manfrotto distribution and


View from the window

Although we do fly a lot, the views you “can” get from the airplane window stay magical.
Today a few shots we (Annewiek and I) did from the window of the airplane on the way back from LA to Amsterdam. All shot with the Fuji X-pro 1 with the 35mm lens. I absolutely love that camera.

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