My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Pacific Coast Highway part I

One of the things I LOVE to do when I’m in LA is driving the Pacific Coast Highway. This road brings you from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara and has some of the most amazing beaches, views and small towns you can imagine.
Without a doubt it’s a high point of the trip, today part I of the images I took during the drive.

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First post from LA

As you know we’re are in LA at the moment preparing for PSW in Vegas next week, we always add a few days before a show like this to “relax” and do some sightseeing. Of course the images you take during those days are no pieces of art, but I always like to share a few on my blog. So today a blog post with a collection of the images I took during the first 2 days.

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Changing the look of your set

One of the things I always try to teach during the workshops is the power you have as a photographer when you are using strobes, you can make the most beautiful setups and control the light on location, techniques like “dragging the shutter”, “day to night”, “fill in flash” etc. are all awesome…. and convert a scene to something completely different, I always call it “painting your own reality with light”.

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Teaser cartoon

Today just a small video of Glyn Dewis shooting my cartoon character which we will show soon 😀