My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

a free e-book

Over the last few days you have seen a lot if images I took during our stay in the USA for PhotoshopWorld Vegas 2012.
Because we also added some private days I got a lot of images that I found worth sharing, but also that I put into a book for private use….. now some of you asked me if it would be possible to also get a book and I have to be honest, I just threw some images together in Lightroom4’s book module and did not take much care about layout etc. However because Blurb gives me the option to offer a book as free iPad book I decided to just open that up for you guys. So if you’re interested in seeing the images in a nice e-book form feel free to surf to :  and download it for your iPad.

Next time I will take some more care about layout and stories, got myself a challenge there I guess 🙂

Quality vs Speed vs What the…..

During seminars and workshops a lot of the students ask me “why did you choose Lightroom and switched from Aperture”, or “I will not use Lr because CaptureNX is much better for my Nikon files”, or “Capture One is better than Lr so why Lr” etc. the list goes on and on and on……


Images in this blogpost are from google search, so not my own.

Well today my opinion on this.
When I started out with digital photography I wanted the best image quality possible…. well ok….. it stopped there, first of all to be able to work with the RAW files was limiting my options like crazy, actually only Photoshop was a valid option, maybe bridge and I found a cool program later on called ACDsee which worked pretty well. Over the years MUCH has changed, we now have a choose of RAW convertors that will make your head spin, the ones I use(d) are Lightroom, Capture One, DxO and Aperture to name just the big ones. I experimented with Silkypix for a while for my Fuji’s but was glad that Lr started with support for those because somehow the workflow was just something I could not get used to (or wanted).

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New images Bianca

Last week Bianca was in our studio for a photoshoot.
I’ve been shooting with Bianca for over 6 years and although she does not visit regularly we always try to do at least one session a year 😀 Today some of my favorite images from the session.

Color editing is done by DxO by the way, DxO optics and Filmpack 3.
I’m more and more beginning to love that combination, LOADS of options and possibilities.

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Cool backgrounds from Lastolite

During the Photokina I shot several demos with the new collapsible backgrounds from Lastolite and to be honest I love them a lot, never thought I would.

You all know I love the more “rustic” backgrounds, old walls, iron, rust etc.
In our studio we have several walls with these themes so I’m more than happy there, however on location it’s often a bit of a problem…. not when we really go to a location but it is when I teach workshops for photo clubs, demo on stages etc. Often the rooms are rather small and the walls in the rooms are pretty “boring” to say the least. And when using seamless I often need more distance to the backgrounds than I’m actually given.
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