My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

New images Bianca

Last week Bianca was in our studio for a photoshoot.
I’ve been shooting with Bianca for over 6 years and although she does not visit regularly we always try to do at least one session a year 😀 Today some of my favorite images from the session.

Color editing is done by DxO by the way, DxO optics and Filmpack 3.
I’m more and more beginning to love that combination, LOADS of options and possibilities.

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Cool backgrounds from Lastolite

During the Photokina I shot several demos with the new collapsible backgrounds from Lastolite and to be honest I love them a lot, never thought I would.

You all know I love the more “rustic” backgrounds, old walls, iron, rust etc.
In our studio we have several walls with these themes so I’m more than happy there, however on location it’s often a bit of a problem…. not when we really go to a location but it is when I teach workshops for photo clubs, demo on stages etc. Often the rooms are rather small and the walls in the rooms are pretty “boring” to say the least. And when using seamless I often need more distance to the backgrounds than I’m actually given.
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Blackrapid by Annewiek Doorhof

Today a very special review/guestblog.
My wonderful wife Annewiek Doorhof will share her experience with the BlackRapid products today.

Some background information.
I loved the BlackRapid products but somehow they were never 100% comfortable for me, I’m big and pretty tall and they were always just a BIT too small for my liking, although I know other people with my size are using them, I love my camera a bit lower. Somehow this reached BlackRapid and they contacted me if I would give them the dimensions I would like, as you can imaging I was surprised when not 2 weeks later I got a package in the mail with a custom made BlackRapid strap…. and I LOVE it, I’m wearing it all the time.

Every since every exhibition we’re at I always visit BlackRapid to show them I still use it 🙂 and of course talk about new stuff.
During Photokina they saw Annewiek carrying her videocamera and made her happy with a nice BlackRapid strap, today her review.

The DOORhof is always open EP4

This weekend I released “The DOORhof is always open” Episode 4.
In this second (and previous released first) part of the PhotoshopWorld Las Vegas tips/tricks episode I interviewed several of my friends/instructors at PSW and combined them in this 2 part episode. So today the final part of this series. You can find it on and iTunes.



The next episode of “the DOORhof is always open” will contain some cool information about styling by Nadine and of course some photoshoots with the final results.
PLUS we will be starting a small critique test. If you want to be in this first critique part send me your best 2 (max) shots and I will try to squeeze the most interesting ones in the program.