My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Help Portrait 2012

December is the month of the holidays, over here we have Sinterklaas and christmas, in the US of course thanksgiving (around December) and christmas and maybe in other countries there are also other holidays, but for most people it’s the month that we all look forward to…. however what we often don’t realize is that there are a lot of people who don’t really look forward to that month, maybe due to the loss of a loved one or simply because they don’t have anything to look forward to….


That’s why a few years ago Jeremy Cowart decided it was time to give these people something worthwhile and because (just like us) he is a photographer that had to be a portrait, the movement was called Help Portrait. At this moment Help Portrait is a worldwide movement with many countries participating and many many photographers and volunteers working together to give people that really need it a portrait (we call it the portrait of hope).

Every year we have people coming in with their pets, and the dog training ladies which I love to photograph with their dogs. Also this young lady with her dog was a delight to shoot, only getting a rather large dog on a table was…. well a bit more trouble than we expected 😀

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Gifts for the holidays

Every year it’s time to make the wishlist, and of course I also do this every year on the blog, so today my tips for the photographers out there (or their partners) these are the gifts I would like to get, if I didn’t already got them 😀

We all love to watch a movie now and then, but before giving “the Notebook” to your partner or yourself let’s look at some movies that I love with a photography theme.


Bang bang club
Great movie about war photographers
Movie about Gia, the first real supermodel
Fun movie about how things can grow but also go wrong when working with people you know
The september issue
Great movie about the september issue from Vogue
Life through a lens
The documentary about Annie Leibovitz
Frames from the edge
Documentary about Helmut Newton

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X-rite webinar today

Today at 2:ooPM CET it’s time for the X-rite webinar.
I will be talking about a calibrated workflow of course, but mostly about getting great looks in lightroom and Photoshop for both travel/street photography and fashion/glamour. Learn to work on backgrounds that are far from perfect, some co0l skin techniques, unique looks with and without filters, how to work with color checkers and of course tips to speed up your workflow (yeah I know it’s just an hour so I will talk fast).

X-Rite will be recording the session but I will be joining half an hour earlier to answer questions in the chatroom and during the broadcast I will also interact with you guys, they already have a record amount of subscribers but we can always fit in more with webinars (it’s never full, gotta love that).


So hope to see you guys at 2:00 PM.
You can register here : 

Free magazine

Today a nice offer from our friends at GOODLIGHTMAG for the iPad.
In the upcoming issue you can read an article written so I thought this offer would be a cool thing to share.

Got an iPad? Download Good Light for free!
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