My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Results SWPP day 1

Today the results from day 1 on the SWPP.
All shots were done on the booth from “the Flash centre” with one strobe and the Sony A99 with Zeiss 24-70 f2.8.
Do remember that on a booth the space is rather limited and the demo slots are only 30 minutes. However with a good model and a nice background sometimes magic happens 😀

TFC Januari 11 --087-Edit

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Results flashbender seminar London

Last week I was in London teaching seminars for the Flash center on the SWPP, however the day before the SWPP there was a seminar planned at the London Calumet store organized by our friends from Rogue (flashbenders) with the topic small flash and flashbenders.
Calumet Januari 10 --077-Edit
Today two of my favorite images from that seminar.

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Images London Day 2

We’re back in the Netherlands again, but I still wanted to share these images from day 2 with you guys, more images will follow from the SWPP and London, but today first day 2 😀

Januari 10 -  (152 of 165)-EditI guess we all have favorite locations to shoot, for me it has to be the underground/Metro or train. Somehow I just love the way that people behave in those tight spaces, so it has an incredibly “draw” on me.

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Review Phottix Odin for Sony

A while ago, during the review of the Sony Alpha 99 I mentioned two deal breakers for me.
One was the ability to shoot tethered, which was solved by the guys from DNAsoftware, the second one was the ability to shoot with small flash with a pocket wizard style solution, but as soon as I mentioned this I already got a lot of good tips from social media followers, including the Phottix solution (Odin).


My “wish” was to be able to use TTL via radio, HSS and preferable (after getting used to the great new Canon ST-E3) a display with the settings. Now when I checked the Phottix website it seemed that the Odin was indeed just what I needed, but…. it was not yet tested with the A99, aaargh.

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