My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Thanks guys

Thank you all so very much for all the messages the last few days.
It’s been a terrible flue, and a bit my own fault, the last 3 months have been crazy with a lot of travel and the new studio/educational center so I sometimes forget a bit about myself. I’m doing a bit better now and will start with a small workshop tomorrow but cancelled a lot of the bigger things for the next week. New blog posts will start again on Monday.
Again thanks so very much for your kind words, I would love to answer you all personally but I thought let’s do it this way 😀

The flu

As you already noticed there is no new blogpost today. We’re very sorry for this. While in Marocco Frank got a serious flu attack and is now taking some rest.

We hope to start new blog posts after a few days.

turning pro yes or no

A while ago I was asked to write a guestblog for a Dutch photographers blog and because I had little time and I always want to post something that is different from the standard “put your light here” blogpost I decided to make a blogpost about something that is always a hot topic during some of my seminars and workshops.


Don’t get me wrong, photography is the best job in the world according to me, I love what I do and I don’t feel like I work a day in my life, however I consider myself incredibly lucky and one of the few that can do what I do thanks to the support of my family. Now a lot of people mail me or ask me for my advise on starting their photographic career, now let’s say we are talking about Mr. Smith (a made up name). Mr Smith earns a bit more than minimum wages at the moment, rents a house and has a wife and 1 son who is let’s say 12 years old. At the moment Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a relatively good life, twice a year they can go on a standard holiday, the rent is paid and they can safe a little bit of money for costs that are not foreseen, the only problem is that Mr. Smith loves photography and doesn’t really like his day job, he doesn’t hate it… but if he would become a photographer that would be awesome.

Gwendolyne 28 Juli 2012 - 2342

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Day 1 Casablanca

Hi guys from a beautifull Casablanca.
We’re here for some private workshops but I also try to take some time to shoot some images for the blog of course, today the images we shot during day 1 of our stay in Casablanca, these shots were taken around our hotel near the ocean.

Casablanca Januari 26 2013 -  (114 of 178)-Edit

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