My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

New workshop (DUTCH/ENGLISH)

As you probably already know when students ask me about certain workshops I will always try to figure something out and add the topics to an existing workshop or create a whole new one (like the “styling and creativity” workshop with Nadine).


For a while I’ve been playing with the idea to do a complete workflow workshop, and seeing that my new book is about to be released, which in fact will cover the complete A-Z for a model shoot, I thought it was a great time to start doing the “Model/Fashion shoot from A-Z” workshops.

Marie Februari 12 2013-15-EditThe difference between this new workshop and the workshops I already teach is that in this full day workshop there is complete run down of the shoot (3-4 sets per day) including information on :

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Hair and eyes

During the workshops I get a lot of questions on the topic of hair and eyes.
Now let me make one thing clear, I strongly believe in rules…. but I also strongly believe in bending or breaking the rules when needed. And let’s be totally honest when we all follow the rules photography would be pretty boring. So although I will teach my students during the first workshops that it’s always important to see both eyes and have catchlights in the eyes, in the more advanced workshops I will always try to break those rules for some setups.

Marie Februari 12 2013-56-EditFor me the expression and composition, color etc. is al much more important in a shot that just being able to see the eyes. The following shots were all taken this week during a workshop I taught for Fotoflits (the Dutch Elinchrom agent). Normally Marie (the model) will bring some nice dresses and extreme clothing but by accident she left one of her bags in the train (it’s back now) and then it’s time to start improvising.

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Shooting couples

When we recently announced online that we were starting up a campaign for shooting couples I got some surprised reactions “Frank do you also shoot families and couples?”
Well Yeah of course we do. The studio we run does a lot of different photography, of course I love the model photography and the artists, but let’s be honest you have to be flexible in todays market so we indeed also do couples and family photography (even an occasional wedding), but we also do businesses etc. almost anything that includes people.

Manon en Vincent Februari 6 2013-27-EditNow let’s look today at my approach when I shoot a couple.
In this case our model Manon brought her boyfriend who is not a model, now one might think it’s easier because one of the persons is a model but that’s not always true.

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London meet up seminar

I got some great news.
Right after Focus on Imaging I will be doing a ONE night seminar for the London Photographic meet up group.
You can register via this link :
But be quick, it’s gonna fill up pretty fast.
SafariOn other UK news, in May I will be doing a tour through the UK with the “why fake it, when you can create it” workshops. Meaning full days of intense fashion/glamour tips and tricks. And also some seminar nights. The cities will be London, Birmingham and Edinburgh. Mail me for more information, as soon as we have a fixed page for the tour I will post it here, but registrations have already begun.