My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Just one shot

Today just one shot.
I shot this one during a testshoot with a new model : Gea.
Now I’m not really big on Black and White images, well let me rephrase that, I LOVE Black and White shots but somehow I always end up with color….but when I did the conversion on this shot with NIK/Google SilverFX I honestly could not go back to the color version, so for today just one shot… but it’s a black and white one.

Gea Maart 14 2013-206-Edit

The first…..

We all have a first right?
Well ok this blogpost is not going to where some are thinking it is…..


When I was a member of a local photo club we visited the studio of a local professional photographer (George Appelo) some years ago, coupled to this was a competition. At that time I was shooting models for maybe 1-2 years and I included a shot of a model…. much to my surprise it won 🙂


Last week during a open house of FifoLabs in Lelystad I met up with him and he asked me to shoot some images during the demo he was teaching, he prepared the set with a model and a bike and out of blue (well for the audience) he asked me to join him for the demo…. now to be honest I love to do demos and workshops but I also feel that when someone else is teaching I feel much more comfortable as a spectator than as an instructor, but I had to do it….(all in good fun by the way) so I decided to throw him a curveball. Instead of shooting the model I said that the best thing to shoot is someone with character and I dragged our photographer back on stage to stand in front of the lights. I only took 5-6 shots so it was not the way I normally do a shoot but I still wanted to share the images due to the connected story…. we could say that George was the first professional photographer to grand me a price :-), thanks George.

George Appelo Maart 19 2013 Fifolabs - -4-Edit

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Smokey glamour

Some images might be considered NSFW (Not Safe For Work) so be careful….
As you might know I shoot mostly fashion, but sometimes I also like to experiment with some glamour, like during the glamour workshop. Today a few images we shot during a very short in between session just for fun, and when we have fun…. well there might also be smoke.

Roosmarijn Maart 26 2013 -_-1029 BW


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Whair images

I love working with hairdressers and every time I get a call from Whair I’m even more excited, they always want something a bit different. Today I can share some of the shots we did for them. A video was recorded during this session which will be released in a future episode of “The DOORhof is always open”.

Whair Januari 20 2013 -128-Edit

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