My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Two quick composites

During the workshop compositing it’s always hard work for me.
The challenge I put myself up to is to do the shoot AND the composites in max 25 minutes total.
During the workshop I share not only tips and tricks for Photoshop of course (although the workshop is very heavy on retouching) but also tips on “thinking ahead for the story”, “posing” and “coaching” of the model.


This time two images with Manon, all styling by the amazing Nadine.

Mei 23 2013 (164 of 162)

Mei 23 2013 (142 of 162)-Edit-Edit

Super Topaz deal

This is so cool…..
You know I’ve been raving about Topaz Clarity, it’s now part of my standard workflow (it rocks).


Now Topaz is running a great deal as a big promotion for their Bundle starting June 24th going through July 7th.  They are greatly discounting the Bundle from $299.99 to $199.99 during this time.



The promo code for this discount will be: july4

Surf here :
To get the software with the discount code !!!!
The plugins are great and for this price it’s a no-brainer I think.
lenaa 10917-Edit

The old look ….

As you have read in one of the previous blogposts I bought a Pentax Super Me for 5.00 on a flea market with some lenses (including the Petri 55mm 1.7 which is one of my favorite special effects lenses), you’ve already seen some images I shot from Marie and Esther with it, but today something else.
One of the first things I shot with the camera was a local event, and it might not be my best street work (in a long way) but I just love the way the images seems to transform you to a different time area.

Pentax Superme028

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A lot of people ask me “Frank how can I improve my photography quickly?”
I could of course tell you to study as hard as you can, join sites like check out the masters like Dean Collins and buy all my instructional videos and book my workshops, but……. Let’s be honest when you only sit down and watch and maybe shoot a bit during a workshop it’s a great way to learn but there’s also another way which is probably just as much fun and will without a doubt boost your level another notch.


You’ve already read me writing about old lenses and old cameras, and this post has the title Polaroid/Impossible so I guess you see it coming 😀 and indeed the tip for today is very simple.


Go on E-bay and hunt for a Polaroid camera, for example the SX70, most of the times you will score one well below 100 bucks. Now get some film from the Impossible project and start shooting.
There are a few different reasons why your photography will benefit from this.

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