My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

I wanna be a pro….

The most asked question is without a doubt :
“I wanna become a pro… how to do it?”


Well one could say of course, go to school, get a diploma, get some work experience and start working for yourself. However with art (and photography is art) this is a bit more difficult. In the Netherlands photography has been a free profession for some time, meaning everyone can call themselves a photographer, and if you earn a certain percentage of your income from photography… well you’re a pro. Now let’s see what to do to become that pro shall we?

Manon Maart 15 2013 - -82-Edit

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Skin with Topaz

Retouching skin is always a “problem” you can do it with dodge and burn but that takes a long time or you can use a plugin. I’ve been using Imagenomic Portraiture for a while and have been very happy. However the last few weeks I’ve been playing more and more with Topaz Clean and made the switch for 90% of our skin this week.
Enclosed two examples of before and after, this is PRE-RETOUCH, in other words, straight out of the camera and with Topaz, in final re-touch there will still be changes of course. But to be honest it already looks pretty good.


You can change settings yourself like structure and the way it does the smoothing, very nice. If you don’t know Topaz yet, check them out, otherwise, make sure you get Clean3 you’re gonna love it.


Link to their webstore : and indeed we do have an affiliate relation, but I wouldn’t promote it if I didn’t think it rocked 😀
Click on the images for a 1:1 view.

skin before

skin after


Congrats to Annewiek

Today it’s exactly 16 years ago that Annewiek said “Yes”…..
On 7-7-1997 we got married, so today a big congrats to Annewiek my wife, manager, soulmate, VAL (Voice Activated Lightstand), camera man, best friend etc. for keeping up with me all this time 😀

Photokina 23 Sept 2012 - September 23, 2012 - 6-Edit


And an image from the 2 of us 😀

Frank en Annewiek Juni 28 2013-24-Edit

Webinar Topaz plus discount

A bit early for the blogpost but I did not want to let you wait till tomorrow.
In this blogpost you can see the webinar I did for Topaz (feel free to leave a comment on YouTube) with loads of tips plus a demo of the bundle from Topaz (and Clarity of course), the reason I post this so quickly is the following :


I Just got a notice that our friends from Topaz are running a deal till Sunday with $100.00 off on their bundle. Use the code july4 on to get the discount. The bundle is great of course, but also check out clarity, it’s the one plugin that totally took me by surprise and is now part of my workflow 🙂