My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Using a chair as prop

A lot of people ask me “what is your favorite prop” and to be honest I don’t use a lot of props as being my favorite.
So I thought about this and decided to give you some tips on using a prop that is very easy to get by and actually gives you a lot of options….. the chair.
We all have them (although not all are great to use in photoshoots) and we all know how to use them, however for photoshoots the use of the chair has to be a bit different to make it more interesting right?


When using a chair as a prop always make sure that you photograph your model as a model and not as someone sitting in a chair, so you can actually work with her body length, by stretching the legs you create more length (which is something models always seem to love).

Esther Juli 10 2013-210-Edit

Esther Juli 10 2013-261-EditBW

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Some analogue images

As you know I’ve been shooting some film next to digital the last few weeks, today some images we shot during our trip in Austria. All shot with the Zeiss Ikon Nettar 6×9 camera. Of course all developed ourselves 😀


Now a lot of people ask me “why analogue”, well it’s hard to explain, in one form it’s the feeling of starting out with a role of film with a limited amount of frames, developing it yourself and when opening the tank seeing the results and after scanning seeing it on the monitor, it’s just a special “feeling” but I think most of all it’s the look and feel of film, don’t get me wrong I LOVE digital, but film it’s just… well different, it’s very hard to explain. When shooting both side to side you really start to see the differences. I would never give up digital (that’s just plain ridiculous for my work) but I think for the coming months/years I will be shooting some film next to digital 😀

Dag 1 Naike5

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Video Topaz Clarity/ReStyle

Today the first in a series of small Photoshop tip videos.
In this video some tips on the use of Topaz Clarity and ReStyle.


Make sure to check out Topaz at and also support our blog. Use Doorhof99 as coupon code for a really cool 15% discount.

Some images from Esther

Today some images from Esther which were shot during one of our workshops.

Esther 26 july  2013-676-Edit

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