My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Model photography tips

A small tip for starting shooters:


I get a lot of questions about finding models so let’s give a bit of attention to this topic.


1. Friends and Family
Believe it or not but these are often the best choice if you want to start.


2. Websites
There are many websites offering models browse through them and find one you like and mail/PM them.


3. On the street
If you see someone you think could model just slip them a card and do a QUICK explanation of what you do, don’t take too much time. I found out that quick works much better, just before that moment that the “model” would feel like her personal time is consumed by you.

Nadine  Juli 27 2013                                                                         12802-Edit

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Workshops in Eersel at Studio76

Teaching workshops on location is always fun, but it gets more fun when you are welcomed as warm as we were this weekend in Eersel.
Edwin the owner of Studio76 approached me a few months ago if I was willing to teach some workshops at his studio located a small 2 hours from our studio, this weekend it was time for these workshops.


Sometimes you arrive on location and are literally asking yourself “oops, what to do here” that’s why we always carry at least one of the Lastolite backgrounds, but Studio76 was a well organized and very modernly decorated studio. The Studio is also available for rent and I have to say if you ever need a studio in that area make sure to contact Edwin because you will love it, even after the first night it already felt like home. Visit their website at and make sure to check out their animated tour (it’s in Dutch).


The first night it was time for the seminar “Travel and street photography”
Day 1 contained two workshops that I normally teach in 1 day, but due to the huge interest we decided to cut down the time and teach the same workshops twice on day 1, the first group from 10:00-14:00 and the second from 15:00-19:00. This was repeated on day 2. Because there was a lot more interest we have already booked three more dates in 2014 which you can find on the net soon via our and the Studio76 website.


Today at the blog some images from Day 1 with Nadine.
Many thanks to for supplying us with the props 😀

Nadine October 4 2013 Eersel-7-Edit

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From MacBook to Windows8 machine

I guess this title will already have some people questioning my motivation, and over the last few days I’ve had a lot of questions when I posted something online about this “switch” so I thought let’s explain it in a mix of a review and tips/technique blogpost so I can point people towards this post when they ask 🙂


Let me start that with I love Apple products.
We own several iPhones, iPads and our studio runs on a few MacPros a MacBook Air, MacBook Retina and iMacs.
According to some we would qualify as Apple Fanboys, however I’ve always said that I just like the products and if something would come up that better suited my needs I would without a doubt start using that products. So let me introduce the replacement of my MacBook Pro Retina 15″….. the Sony Duo 13 i7,8GB,256GB.


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China Town SF

During our stay in San Francisco we also visited China Town.
Whenever we’re in a city that has a “china town” I always try to visit this area, for streetphotography these areas always have an enormous attraction on me.


Today some of the images I shot during that visit.

September 10 2013 San Fransisco  (249 of 717)-Edit-Edit

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