My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sony A7r with some M42 glass

After testing the Leica R glass I was also curious to see what the 36mp sensor would do with some older M42 glass.
In the workshop on Saturday I used a Kipon M42 convertor and a Zeiss Jenna 135mm f4 and a Petri 50mm.
The fun thing about the Kipon convertor was that it also supported tilt movement, meaning you can play around with the focus plain, which is always cool to do.

Sharon Pol November 9 2013-5-Edit

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Sony A7r with Leica R glass

As many of you asked me about 3rd party glass on the Sony I’ve decided to do some testing this weekend with different convertors and glass.
Many thanks to our friends at for lending us the convertors.
Before you look at the samples do remember that the samples (and crops) are not straight out of the camera… well almost, the only thing I do with retouching is change the color and retouch the skin, so there is no “freaky” stuff going on, all retouching I do is always done within a few minutes per shot, for the crops it doesn’t matter but I did want to mention it.


Now the first thing I REALLY like about the A7r is the compatibility with so many different lenses out there, with the Kipon convertors I already can mount M42, Leica M and Leica R glass but with the Metabones convertors you can even mount Nikon and Canon glass (including the AF on some lenses from Canon, but VERY slow) which makes this system I think the best camera out there for compatibility, I know a lot of Leica shooters out there are drooling over the option to use their glass on a 36MP camera with the dynamic range of the Sony.


The first test is with a Kipon convertor for Leica R glass.
Here you see the two cameras next to each other.

Leica en Sony-1 On the Sony you see the 50mm f2.0 with Kipon and on the R4 a 135mm lens.
As you can see the Kipon does add some “body” to the A7r but it’s still a nicely balanced combination, and even with the 135mm I never actually felt that it was unstable or “too” long.

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Work with different lights in the same location

One of the things I always try to “push” towards the attendees during my workshops is maximizing the looks you can get from one location. Most photographers will start out on a location and decide whether or not to use strobes for example, and…. well that’s it, they will shoot the location with (or without) strobes.


In my opinion that’s a waste of a great opportunity, when you setup for strobes it’s very easy to also shoot some images without strobes (just power down your trigger), in this blog post a sample of the same location shot once with natural light and once with strobes. As you can see you get 2 complete different looking sets from the same location, this way your client can always choose.


The shots were taken with the new Sony A7r.
As you can see in the natural light shots the dynamic range of the camera is pretty impressive, there is still detail in the windows, and when you pull back more highlights you can even see some trees but somehow I found that not fitting for the natural light shots.

Sanne Suikerfabriek October 31 2013 -47


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Mill session with Suzanna

Just before the workshops for Servix we stopped in Suzanna’s home town to do a quick photoshoot in a great location… a really old mill which is totally restored and is in working order. On location there are always many challenges and things you would like to have been able to do differently, in this case for example the mill was located on a steep hill and shooting the shot you see now I would have loved to shoot from a slightly different angle but that was not possible so I had to settle for a different way, in this case I opted for a wide angle approach and in the second shot for a more “side” shot.

Suzanna molen October 18 2013 -22

Suzanna molen October 18 2013 -52

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