My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

PhotoXperience Mexico

We are back from Mexico and what an experience it was.
During PhotoshopWorld I was asked by Hector and Maru Segovia (brother and sister) if I would be interested in speaking at their event called PhotoXperience. After hearing some good things about it from Joe McNally I immediately said yes. But nothing could have prepared me (us) for the last week.


PhotoXperience is the biggest photography event in Mexico and was organized perfectly, the whole team was awesome and took incredibly good care of the speakers. The program consisted of a mix of different photography areas (including satellite photography which is awesome) and an Expo floor with for example Epson, Elinchrom, Wacom etc. Overall a great ambience and great seminars. After the Expo it was time for full day workshops, but later more on this.


PhotoXperience was located in the beautiful town of Guanajuato and today you see some images I shot from the town, in a following blogpost some street portraits and of course the results from the workshops.


From our side (both Annewiek and me) we would like to send our warmest regards to the Segovia family, the team of PhotoXperience, the assistants, our fellow instructors and most of all the people visiting, we have had some great welcomes and great shows but this… well when we left we almost cried, we really felt like leaving behind a new found family and friends, you guys really are awesome.




All shots were taken with the Sony A7r and no HDR was used, this camera has some amazing dynamic range.
Lens for 99% of the shots : Sony/Zeiss 24-70 f2.8
Sorry for the overload on images, but the town was so incredibly beautiful that you just kept shooting.

Mexico Dec 9 2013 (180 of 271)-Edit

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Opening exposition Groningen

This Saturday I will be opening my exposition “the 2 faces of Frank Doorhof” in the gallery Lichtzone in Groningen.
If you want to visit you’re more than welcome of course in the whole month December, but also on the opening this Saturday.
We will be there from 16:00-18:00 to welcome you and do a small book signing.


The exposition consists of my two passions, shooting fashion/models and street/travel photography.


The exposition will end at December 31.

Blowing out

We all know the white backgrounds, but to be honest I think they have had their longest time.
Now a days for example I just love the light grey backgrounds a lot more… we still use a white background for this but we just don’t light it, creating a very nice modern look. However if you still want to play with white why not try the following.


Normally we meter the model incident and add 2.5-3 stops to the background (metered reflective) to create a really nice white background without blowing out details like hair.
In the following shots I did something else, and I really like this technique. Instead of using a strobe as main light I just use the strobes on the white background and meter towards the camera (incident) to get a “correct” exposure on the face of the model. The main light source in this case is in fact the whole studio, or in other words all the light that scattered around the studio and reaches the model from the front. This will result in a very blown out background really wrapping around our model as you can see here :

Manon November 22 2013-92-EditNow if the effect is a bit too strong you can always lower the exposure a bit on the the model or move the model further away from the background.


This technique also works very nice for portraits, but watch out with models with really light blond hair 🙂

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Some new Nadine images

Today some new images from our topstylist and model Nadine.
Nadine November 17 2013-152-Edit

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