My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

RIP Malcolm

This morning we heard the sad news about the passing of Malcolm Whittle.
Now for people not know Malcolm, he was the head of Elinchrom.


We met Malcolm a few years ago during Photokina and I immediately loved his attitude, let’s put it this way he suffered from the same “problem” that I have… I believe in our hearts we never grew up, he loved life and every time we met him he was full of life. Not often do you meet someone that has such a drive and power at his age and still looked and acted young.


I (and Annewiek) consider the whole Whittle family as close friends and from our side we would wish them all the strength they need in the coming weeks/months/years. Malcolm will be dearly missed. Malcolm and his family took us under their wings at Elinchrom and made sure that we were always treated like family. I was more than honored to demo at the Elinchrom head offices last year (just a few months ago) and meet up with Malcolm for the last time and had some fun.


I’m sure the next thunderstorm will be a little bit better in light quality, because I’m sure Malcolm will be adjusting the light from up there to his liking 🙂
RIP Malcolm.

Three portraits

During a session (for me) it’s very important to capture something that is “unique” although I know that everything has already been done at least once or twice (probably more) I still try to steer away from the “standard” beauty shot, and don’t get me wrong… there is nothing wrong with a beauty shot but for me… well it’s a bit “boring” to do myself.


So how do you approach something like this.
I always try to get something from my model, it can be a very subtle expression or something more.
In the following shot I went for the more relaxed expression.
Just let the model look away and let her think of someone that is coming over the hill, the fun part is that every model will give you a different expression.

Susanna December 20 2013-4-Edit

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Guestblog DPC

Hi everyone, this is my second guest blog here at Frank’s website and this time I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite websites “DPChallenge”, which is short for “Digital Photography Challenge”.


DPC has been around since 2002 and I have been a member since 2006. After more than 7 years of fun and building my photography skills through entering challenges and chatting with other members, I think you should know about this place as well… Becoming a registered user is free, and yearly membership costs only $25… with that, you can enter more challenges each week, join member-only discussions, get more space and have your own portfolio page.

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X-Rite webinar

Doing a webinar is always an exciting thing.
You are live, anything can go wrong, and there is no feedback from the audience, some people love it, some people don’t. I do like the tension to be honest, but for the following webinar I did add a bit more tension….


Normally with a webinar you stream your desktop, show some Lightroom and Photoshop etc. and well… that’s about it.
Well for me that’s something I’ve done so many times that I decided it was time to up the ante just a little bit, for the X-rite webinar we transformed our studio into a small “tv studio” and streamed not only the desktop but also live footage from 3 cameras in our studio (2 webcams and one normal camera). Because we needed more bandwidth we also used a satellite internet connection to stream the content. In the end it all worked out just fine, the frame rate is a bit on the low side I think but that’s more a problem of the software used to stream everything, from our side we have done tests with 720P which went without any problem, so….. for the future we have some interesting things planned as you can imagine.


For today enjoy the webinar I did for X-Rite in which we did a life photoshoot with our model Marie and you will see an explanation about the color checker passport and retouching.
The link to the webinar is

webinar Marie Dec-17_-031-Edit

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