Some ELC action with Marie
This weekend I had the honor to introduce the new Elinchrom ELC units to the press in the Netherlands.
The event was hosted by the Dutch agent for Elinchrom Fotoflits.
I started with a small introduction of the new system after which we walked to an empty warehouse where Marie was waiting for us for some wicked shots showcasing some of the creative effects you can get with the ELCs.
The fun part about these strobes is that it really triggers your creativity, if a strobe is just a bit faster or has one or two stops more range that’s just making your work easier but when you have features like : Delay, stroboscopic, high frame rate, option for series and much more it really starts to trigger something in me that is hard to explain but you just want to see what’s possible if for example one strobe is on stroboscopic while in the mean while the first strobe fires and using the modeling light for a second curtain flash effect which ends with the third strobe firing in delay, add some smoke and confetti to that idea and you are doing something that would normally involve some heavy Photoshop work. Timing is important of course and the results you see here are all shot during a short demo so far from perfect…. but I hope it triggers you to think differently about what you can do with strobes.
I strongly believe that if you get the ELCs and are creative with them the sky is the limit, so I’m looking forward what kind of stuff we will see from photographers if they start selling them.
The first images are pretty straight forward and are just using the freezing power of the ELC and the high frame rate to hit that “one” moment (or several), the last two images actually use one strobe on stroboscopic (very faint) and two strobes for freezing.
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