My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


What do you do when your model has contact with you the night before the workshop but still doesn’t show up?
Yeah it happens here too, although I have to say that it HARDLY every happens, this was the first time in 5 years a workshop model didn’t show up.
The solution, ask your intern to model for you during the workshop, and because Angela actually started as a model in our studio it was not scary but actually quite a lot of fun.


Today some images from that workshop, this was a pretty technical workshop so only a few end results.

Angela Juni 19  2015   0003

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Some owls and our intern Angela

At the end of every internship we offer our interns a photoshoot.
The idea is to give them the experience of what it is to be in front of the camera in our studio, and of course we don’t want to go for standard in those sessions…. some interns go really extreme, some will go more basic, everything goes as long as it’s fun and the end results are… well different.

This was the last week for our intern Angela and because she loves Owls she already knew what her photoshoot would be.
Today the results from her shoot.


Angela Juni 18  2015   0008 2

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Bad hotel

We love abandoned places, so when we travel we always are on the look out for something cool to shoot. This location we found thanks to one of my followers on social media and we are very happy with it 😀


Now sometimes you wonder why a location has gone under, but in this case…. well it might be that although “bad hotel” in the Netherlands means “Bath hotel” the name was not that smart when taking into account people from other countries. Anyway for us it was a cool subject to shoot. Normally we also try to get some shots inside but in this case every thing was shut down pretty good.


Click on the images to open the gallery and enjoy them as they should be shown.

That easy lightbulb again

Every once in a while I will take it out of the closet… my favorite light source to play with… that simple 100W light bulb in the cheapest enclosure I could find. It’s always fun to see the reaction of the attendees of the workshops when they see the possibilities they can have while shooting with a light source most would label as “unusable for some cool shots”.


One of the things you always have to remember when shooting with light is “distance” or in other words “the inverse square law”.
In very simple terms, if you use a light source really close to your model the light will fall off very rapidly, meaning you will get a lot of contrast in your shot, if you move the light further away the light will fall off less rapidly. So if you want to light a group it’s often wiser to move the lights a but further away, and if you want a striking high contrast portrait you can move it closer (although many other factors play a role of course, but let’s keep it simple).

With the lightbulb the power, for me, lies when you use it really close to the model and the background. The outcome is always something that surprises people and often they ask me “How many strobes did you use next to the lightbulb” 😀


So if you have a lightbulb in your house, don’t be afraid to use it in your next shoot, it might surprise you.


For much more in-depth techniques, tips etc. get my book “Mastering the Model shoot” or download one of my videos from this website.

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