My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Behind the closed DOORs October 23 2016 Comic Trips tribute

Today a very special episode.
Normally we focus on photography and what we do during our work, today we decided to do something completely different.

Today you will see a behind the closed DOORs that is recorded as a tribute to Frank’s favorite YT videowebpodcast at the moment called “Comic Trips”

Join us in todays trip to fleamarkets, an awesome Star Wars room and much more.

If you want to see the real Comic Trips (and we really recommend it) visit them at

behind the closed DOORs October 22 2016

In todays episode we take you behind the scenes during the workshop “simple modifiers”, you see the setups, the styling and the finished results.

We also have the price winner of the X-rite analyzer give away and I show you the Phottix Indra 500 which works wonders with the Sony cameras…..

Playing with the Lume Cube

One of the things I love about my work is that I’m sometimes able to play with new gear that I would normally not have bought myself or that’s not on the market yet. Sometimes the gear is indeed something I would have not bought myself, but sometimes I’m just overwhelmed with what it can bring and how it works.


A while ago I played with the ice lights and absolutely loved what you could do with it, the main problem… price.
So I was not saying no when our friends from “de Greef” asked me if I would be willing to test the Lume Cubes and give my opinion on them. I have to be honest…. the first few moments I was going like “mmmm interesting but what should I do with it” but as soon as I started thinking about it the options became almost limitless, you can use them of course as external strobes for your iPhone, but let’s be honest…. it’s a bit expensive if you would just use them for that.
However they are also incredibly (read REALLY incredibly) handy to use as video lights for your drone, videocamera, vlog etc. etc. they are small and give a tremendous amount of light. And because of that light output I also started using them in my photoshoots. I love to shoot with alternative light sources and using the lume cubes on the face of model has proven incredibly handy and gives me great results.


Today some images shot with our model Linda where I only used the Lume Cubes.
Later this week we will also upload a video where I review the Lume Cubes and give some tips on the use of them.







behind the closed DOORs October 21 2016

In todays episode we take you with us during the workshop at for Sony and Wacom and show you the endresults.