My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Digital Classroom , December 14 with model Ingrid

In this FREE online interactive live photo shoot Frank Doorhof shows you a successful photo shoot from start to retouch.

You can see him prepare the shoot by setting up and metering the lights, coach the model, take the shot and retouch the results, and much much more. Of course with all unexpected problems like in your shoot, because this is live:) In between you can ask questions online.

PRE Digital Classroom , December 14 with model Ingrid

In this FREE online interactive live photo shoot Frank Doorhof shows you a successful photo shoot from start to retouch.

You can see him prepare the shoot by setting up and metering the lights, coach the model, take the shot and retouch the results, and much much more. Of course with all unexpected problems like in your shoot, because this is live:) In between you can ask questions online.

A quick headshot 

Normally I share models or street photography shots. But today a quick headshot fellow photographer Klaas-jelmer Sixma shot of me during the ice sculpture exhibition. 

And yes it was very cold 😉

Wacom mobile studio pro review II “behind the closed DOORs December 13 2016”

In todays episode we take a more in depth look at the Wacom Mobile studio pro 16.

I show you how it performs with my workflow for retouching, some cool additions to Windows I found that makes the experience a bit better for “mac users”, a new awesome keyboard and how the stylus works in Manga studio.

I also walk you through the whole calibration process of the device and give you a tip on how to get two different setting for mimicking print and working outside.

REMEMBER this is the vlog version of the review, I do these raw and simple to get the info out there asap, we will be filming a more proper review (although shorter) before the end of the year when I know the device a bit better.

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