My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

BTCD January 27 2017 4K

In this episode the first time we film BTCD with the Sony A7RII

Join us during the workshop Glamour with Ingrid.
See the workshop and setups and of course the results.

I also changed my workspace with a new led panel so we can record videos faster, and it will also help the quality of digital classroom of course 😀

Please subscribe to our channel and make it possible for us to create much more content for you guys in the coming months, we have some big plans but we need more subscribers to make this possible, and subscribing is free 😀

De modellen van de Frank Doorhof workshops: Ingrid

Maak kennis met onze modellen! Annewiek stelt de modellen een paar vragen zodat je ze beter leert kennen. Uiteraard met een paar mooie foto’s ertussen, gemaakt tijdens de shoots of workshops.

Deze keer Ingrid den Elzen.

Zien we jouw snel bij een workshop? Kijk op voor de data en prijzen.

BTCD January 25 2017

In todays episode we take you with us during a talk for Sony and we are visiting to pick up a new bike for Annewiek

How to destroy your reputation

Seems to happen more and more lately.
This is a must see for companies that still care about their clients, and also for companies that wonder why they loose clients while they do their best…. it might not be YOU