My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The Ultimate weekend workshop

Do you want to take the next step in photography?
Than this is THE workshop for you.

And this edition is extra special because we are also visiting a real castle for a full blown extreme styling fashion shoot.

See the video for more details.
Register at :

Ambassador video LaCie

LaCie came to the studio in Emmeloord to film Frank at work. Here is the result.

Colorprofiles the easy way

You don’t want to know how often people are confused by which colorspace or profile to use when…

How do I set up lightroom/photoshop?
What to do with the printer or scanner?
What to……
the list goes on an on.

In this video I explain how easy it is to work with colorprofiles and how you can set everything up for an easy calibrated workflow. It’s really not that hard

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

The products I talk about :
X-rite color checker passport :
X-rite studio set for monitor and printer :
X-rite color munki :

Want to support this channel?
And get a LOT of benefits?
Check out our Patreon: we really appreciate the help and support
Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
Instagram :

Join our Email community :
Portfolio website:
Workshop agenda:
Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via:

Open dag 6 Oktober 2018

In deze video de aankondiging van onze nieuwe open dag op 6 Oktober.

Gedurende de open dag kijk je rond in onze studio, zie je korte demonstraties en krijg je natuurlijk een hapje en een drankje. Het is gewoon super gezellig en motiverend.

Schrijf in voor de open dag (het is gratis) via [email protected]